Chapter 3: Stay?

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I lead Sarah up the stairs to my apartment. I turn my head to face her as I unlock the door.

"It's not much but it's home." I say as I swing the door open and let Sarah enter first. 

She is silent as she takes in my apartment, it's a cozy place and I love it. As you enter you are in the kitchen then just across from the kitchen is a small living room with a couch, piano and guitar. Then there is a small hallway leading to your bathroom and bedroom. 

"This place is beautiful, it's like being in a lake cabin but in the middle of downtown LA. It's incredible." Sarah says in wonder. A wave of relief runs over me as I realize she likes the place.

"I'm glad you like it, my Grandma and I renovated this whole place. We put the wooden panels on the walls because I love the little cozy cabin feel it gives the place." I say as I run my hand along the wooden walls, memories flooding your mind. Sarah makes her way over to the piano while your were lost in thought.

"You're a musician?" she says looking from the piano to the guitar beside it.

"Um yeah kind of, it feels like a lifetime ago now," I say with a sigh.

"Why? What happened?" Sarah asks curiously.

"Well I inherited the store, my priorities changed. I had to put that dream aside I guess." I reply looking shyly away from Sarah.

"Do you think that's what you Grandma would have wanted?" she asked hesitantly. Her question stunned me into silence, I had truly never even considered that. I didn't know what to say so I tried to change the subject. I cleared my throat and walk to the kitchen.

"Lets get this dinner cooking, huh?" I say, plastering a smile on my face. I can tell from Sarah's face that she knows I'm avoiding the topic but she doesn't push me, she just smiles and nods. She walks over to where I am in the kitchen and I realize she is still in her high heels and tight dress.

"Sarah do you want some clothes to change into? There's no way you can relax in that!" I exclaim, taking her hand in mine and leading her to the closet in my bedroom before she gets the chance to reply. I open my closet and watch her as she runs her hand over the clothes hanging in there.

"Most of my stuff will be too big for you but you are welcome to whatever you want." I say with a smile. It wasn't that I was bigger than Sarah by much I was just a lot taller, I am 6ft which is pretty tall for a girl. Sarah sits at an adorable height just above my shoulders. I leave Sarah in my bedroom and return to the kitchen and start cooking. We decided on making a creamy basil pesto pasta with gnocchi. I set the pasta up to boil and begin prepping the ingredients. As I'm dicing mushrooms Sarah walks back into the room and clears her throat to get my attention, I look up at her and she smiles as she twirls around showing off her outfit. I lose my breath at seeing her in my clothes, shes only wearing a beige sweater and black sweatpants but she looks so cute. She had to cuff the bottom of the pants as they are far too long, she left the sleeves of the sweater to cover her hands completely. I can't help but smile at her.

"Well? How do I look?" she asks sweetly.

I take a deep breath before replying.

"You look beautiful... and extra tiny and cute in my clothes." I reply with a laugh and she giggles as she walks over to look at what I am preparing.

"Let me help!" she says excitedly as she grabs two wooden spoons from a holder on the counter.

"Ha! OK you can be my chief stirrer, think you can handle that?" I say with a smile, I've been smiling so much my cheeks are starting to ache.

"Yes Ma'am!" she exclaims.


About 30 minutes later dinner is ready and we are sitting on my couch to start eating. Sarah is curled up in the corner of my couch as she starts devouring the pasta we made. She starts moaning slightly inappropriately as she tastes the food.

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