Chapter 8: Don't

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*6 months later*

It was a stupid fight. A stupid fight that ended the relationship we built. Working on American Horror Story boosted my career in a way I never expected. All of a sudden I had a manager, a publicist and people who actually knew who I was. I've been in the studio every day trying to finish my first album. I hardly saw Sarah, she would work throughout the day and I was out most of the night. We were lucky to catch each other for an hour or so. At first I think Sarah was proud that I was so busy but after the first month I could tell she was losing interest.


It's 4am as I open the door to Sarah's apartment. I've been at the studio since 12pm the day before and am absolutely exhausted. I'm surprised to see the TV on and Sarah sat on the couch when I walk in.

"Hey babe, I wasn't expecting you to be up still." I say with a smile as I sit beside her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. She is stiff under my touch and I hesitate before speaking again.

"Sarah, is something wrong?" I ask and Sarah turns to look at me.

"There's lipstick on your cheek." She states.

I stiffen in panic but then calm down as I realize I've done nothing wrong.

"Oh it will just be from Rita she kissed my cheek when she left the studio earlier." I explained, wiping my cheek vigorously.

"Who's Rita?" Sarah asks, her voice is almost emotionless.

"Ya know, Rita Ora. She was in the studio today, she just listened to what we had recorded so far and hung out with us. Nothing happened. I swear." I grasp Sarah's hands as I speak and she looks away from me, refusing to make eye contact.

"Hey, look at me. You trust me right?" I ask

Sarah finally looks into my eyes and I can see tears forming and threatening to spill.

"I don't know." Sarah replies, her breath hitches at the end of the sentence. I pull away from her and stand up from the couch.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I say, rage seeping into my voice. I've never done anything to give Sarah a reason to not trust me.

"You come home late every night, I never see you. I don't know what I'm supposed to think!" Sarah raises her voice and the contrast from her usual soft voice shocks me.

"You are supposed to trust me when I say I love you." I manage to keep my voice calm. "It's too hard." Sarah replies, tears spilling onto her cheeks.

"Then what the hell am I doing here Sarah?" I get angry again and I grab my jacket that was hanging by the front door and pull it on.

"What are you doing?" Sarah asks, struggling to catch her breath through her tears.

"I'm going to my place. If we don't have trust then we don't have a relationship and you've made it very clear that you don't trust me Sarah." I slam the door as I leave the house and drive back to my little apartment.

I slump down onto my bed and yell in frustration. I don't know what just happened, I'm not sure if we broke up. But whatever happened it sure as hell wasn't good.


I take a deep breath as I recall the fight. It was 2 weeks ago now and I have barely heard from Sarah. We've texted each other a bit to make sure the other is OK but that's it. I feel lost without seeing her everyday so I've barely left the studio at all. It feels like there is no point in going home if she isn't there.


A knock on my door wakes me up. It's 3pm and I am very hungover. I was at the studio until late and thought it would be a great idea to drink and record at the same time. I shuffle through to my lounge, knocking over several bottles on my way. I see my manager asleep on my floor and Rita on my couch. We'd been writing a bit together since we hit it off the other night. I thought about not seeing her again after what happened with Sarah but we did nothing wrong so I didn't see the point.

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