Chapter 5: Change is Good

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I wake up to the feeling of fingers gently combing through my hair. I open my eyes so I can look at Sarah. I somehow ended up sleeping halfway down the bed with my head on her stomach and my feet hanging off the end. Sarah still has her eyes closed while she strokes my hair. I slowly roll over and begin leaving a trail of kisses from he stomach to her chest then her neck before pausing as I hover over her lips. Her eyes flutter open and look at me. I teasingly place kisses everywhere on her face except her lips and she starts to laugh. She rolls us over and pins me to the bed she looks down at me but I'm distracted by her ceiling fan.

"Um Sarah, how did my bra get on your fan?" I say trying to hold in my laughter. She looks confused at me then looks up at the ceiling and sees the bra spinning around the room. She looks back down at me just as she starts laughing hysterically. She hides her face in my chest and I wrap my arms around her as we laugh.

"I must have uhh... thrown in up there last night." she finally manages to say once she has regained her composure. 

We lay there for a minute watching the bra fly around the room then Sarah suddenly gets out of the bed a pulls on her robe.

"Stay here." she says sternly.

"What? Where are you going?" I say in an embarrassingly needy voice.

"I am going to make breakfast." Sarah replies confidently. Her statement grasps my attention and I sit up in bed.

"You're gonna cook?" I ask anxiously.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come help?" I say, slowly moving to get up.

"No no no no, I have been practicing. I can make waffles successfully I promise. You stay here." She looks self-assured as she speaks so I just nod and smile. She walks out of the room and a few seconds later I see her peek around the door way to make sure I'm not moving. I laugh and throw a pillow at her and she giggles as she runs to the kitchen. I quickly text James asking him to meet me later to talk about the store before putting my phone away and going back to sleep.

About 30 minutes later Sarah is gently shaking me awake. 

"Breakfast is reaaddyy," she calls out as she stands and throws my pants at me.

"Wow the service here is terrible," I say with a cheeky smile as I stand up and pull on my pants.

"I want you to try it! Come on!" she exclaims as she runs back to the kitchen like an excited child.

I carefully grab my bra off the fan and pull my shirt on. As I walk into the kitchen I'm immediately met with a delicious smell.

"OK this smells fantastic," I say as I walk to Sarah and loop my arms around her waist. She turns in my arms and looks at me with a happy smile.

"I made waffles! Like actually made them and they aren't burnt or anything!" She says excitedly.

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets eat!" I say matching Sarah's excited energy.

We enjoy our waffles whilst sharing small kisses and touches. I can't help but gaze at her, she looks so perfect with no makeup and messy bed hair. My eyes glance down to her neck and properly examine the string of hickeys I left last night. She catches me looking and I quickly look back to my waffles, blushing slightly.

"So we should probably talk about what's going on here..." Sarah says suddenly. I look up at her all of a sudden very worried that this dream is going to end.

"Um yeah totally, whats on your mind?" I manage to speak without my voice shaking and I mentally hi-five myself just for that simple feat.

"I just want to say that... If this was just a fling for you then that's OK with me," Sarah pauses for a moment then continues. 

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