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After classes were over, Via went to basketball practice. They were one of the best school teams in the state. They almost went to nationals last year, but the school didn't have the budget for a bus and jerseys. The school didn't have a budget for much to be honest.
She got to the gym early only to find Finn sitting in the middle of the court crisscross applesauce on his phone.
"Dude," Via got his attention.
"Hey girl, whatcha been up to?"
"You mean since we saw each other yesterday?"
"Well I'm supposed to do a group project in chemistry,"
"Ooo fun, who are you gonna partner with?"
"I don't know, it doesn't really help that all my friends are seniors,"
"Isn't that cute guy in your class?"
"Who are you referring to...?"
"Oh come on what's-his-name...Perry?"
"Oh, Percival," Via hadn't really considered him as an option. Especially after that catastrophe in class this morning.
"I don't know, I'll probably know tomorrow I guess,"
"Just think about it. He's 6'4, he's got dark hair, dark eyes, and you'd be able to spend a whole lot of time with him. It's the perfect situation."
"Okay have you been stalking him or something you weirdo,"
"Hey, not my fault I can tell a beautiful specimen when I see one,"
"Jesus Christ, I'm gonna need you to shut up so we can start practice," the rest of the team was starting to come inside.
After practice, Via got a ride home with Finn. They stopped outside her house.
"Seriously Via, you should partner up with him. It could be interesting. Plus, you're always saying you want to 'study the human nature',"
"Yeah well I'll think about it. I still want to get a good grade y'know,"
"Of course you will. You're Olivia Wilfred,"
"Goodnight, Finnick," Via got out of the car, proceeded to give Finn the finger, and head inside.
Her moms were still at work, so she warmed up one of the frozen pizzas and grabbed a Pepsi. There was nothing better in the whole world, especially when you're eating a frozen pizza, on the couch, in your pajamas, watching old black and white movies.
Maybe a group project wouldn't be so bad.

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