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Today was amazing. Percy tied his shoes tight enough so he hadn't tripped at all, his dad was still asleep after spending all of last night finding a way to sneak back into the house without being detected, and they got the super smart girl in their chemistry group. Everything is going great.
Percy sat down at lunch fully content with his life. Then Derek sat down.
There goes that feeling.
"W-wha- I-"
"DUDE I was watching you the whole time, your face went crimson when she suggested we exchange numbers,"
"You were watching my face the whole time?"
Derek hesitated. Percy had him.
"Some might say you're a...,"
"Percy please," Derek begged.
"SIMP!" Percy said as enthusiastically as he could. He got him.
"You are such a sorry excuse for a best friend," Derek said.
"Yeah well you started it. I just finished it. Anyway, how are we gonna do this poster board thing?" Percy asked.
"I dunno, I guess we could meet up after school. I could pick up some crafty stuff from the store,"
"Yeah okay we can work on it at your house. What time?"
"Oh I'll text you,"
"Okay, see you then my bro,"
"Later whore,"
They said their goodbyes, and went back to class. This could either work out really well, or really bad.
Percy rode home and waited for Derek's text. He and his dad were watching TV when his phone vibrated. His dad glanced over in curiosity.

Hey Perceus


Cum over my parents arent home

Percy's dad opened his mouth to say something.
"Don't- don't say anything," Percy stopped him. On the way out the door, he heard his dad say "USE PROTECTION,".
God damnit Derek.
Percy got on his bike and rode all the way to Derek's house.
When Derek opened the door to greet Percy, instead, he was greeted with a backhand slap to the face.
"Geez daddy, no need to be rough," Derek said surprisingly fast.
"Dude, just show me the supplies," Derek made a pouty face but obliged. They walked into the living room, and Derek revealed a pile of colored pencils and markers sitting on top of a white poster board.
"Ta da!"Derek said sounding proud of himself.
"Is that it?," Percy asked
"What do you mean 'is that it'?"
"Dude this is what you give a toddler when you don't want them listening to an argument. Where's the glue or construction paper or scissors?"
"Well I have fabric scissors and masking tape. I've never done anything like this before, it's new to me,"
"Oh my god-okay we'll work with what we have and pray to any god it doesn't look like it was made by a newborn," Percy said, grabbing the poster board and marking it with a pencil.

"I think it'll look fine," Derek said sure of himself. Percy just hoped he was right. If it didn't, there'd no way they could show this to Via.

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