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Via rose from her bed and walked to school absolutely giddy. She was in a group project with the guy that she was going to be going on a double date with on Saturday at 1:00 PM. A double date with her friend of course, because you can't be too careful nowadays with all those weirdos out there. She walked into chemistry to see that Percival was already sitting at their official/unofficial group table. Derek hadn't gotten there yet which was a bit odd, but nothing to ponder about. 

"Hey Percival," Via said.

"Hi, Via how's it going?" He asked.

"Pretty good, I got the supplies for the elephant toothpaste yesterday. How's your guys' part going?"

He hesitated for a moment, then said, "We decided to do the presentation digitally if that's alright with you,". Huh, a bit of a hiccup. They hadn't discussed this, and she hadn't planned for it, but a digital presentation would probably not only be easier but more professional in the end.

"That sounds great. And how's the essay going for you guys?" That question seemed to have startled Percy. As if something had happened, or was wrong.

"Oh, it's going great. I've actually just about wrapped mine up, and Derek is finishing up as well," He said as if covering something up. Via didn't know what to say. Usually, she would interrogate a member of her group if it seemed like they had been falling behind or weren't able to do their part. But she liked this guy. She was going on a date with him. Maybe it would be better if she seemed friendly and less apprehensive. 

"Perfect!" She said finally. He looked relieved. A few moments later, Derek arrived, looking scruffed, to say the least. His hair was a mess, his glasses were crooked, and his shirt seemed hurriedly put on. Not only that but his face was flushed red. Via wondered what had happened, but seeing as they didn't know each other all that well, she decided it best not to ask. She had been expecting Percy to ask, but he didn't either. Almost as if he already knew what had happened, and had no need to. After class, she decided to ask Percival.

"Hey, do you know what was the matter with Derek?" she asked.

"I think that he was still a bit tired from last night. We sort of stayed up writing our papers,"

"Oh, well tell him I hope he feels better and that he should get some rest," 

"Will do," he said. And that was that. He left to go to his next class, and she left to go to study hall.

All was well, and the next couple of days flew by surprisingly fast. Before she knew it, Via was putting on her outfit of a floral print dress that was a bit revealing when it came to her lady curves, but who cares? It's the first date. Might as well go all out. But, maybe bring a jacket just in case. The Springsteen mall was actually pretty close to her house, so she decided that she could probably walk there and back, as long as she didn't start coming back too late.

When she got there, she saw Finn sitting in the Moondollars cafe with his date next to him. When she got a little closer, she realized that Finn had been serious when he said he would bring Derek. And Derek's flustered look hadn't changed. In fact, he looked worse. Via wondered what could have been happening to him. She checked her phone and saw that Percy had texted a "running late, be there soon!". She replied with a good ol' "no worries! :)" and sat down with the other two, ready to have a new social interaction.

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