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It did not look fine. Not only did the handwriting look like a third grader's, but the intense use of crayon was unbearable.
"Okay.. lets take a break," Derek suggested.
"It's-horrible," Percy said.
"Just stop looking at it. Lets make sandwiches. I got some juice boxes while I was out,"
"You got juice boxes but couldn't afford to get colored pencils that aren't primary colors?"
"Hey, I got priorities," Percy couldn't believe that. While they ate their sandwiches Percy tried to think of a way they could save this. Was there even one?
"You can have the rest of my juice box. I don't like cranberry," Percy said.
Derek gasped, "An indirect kiss?"
"I can't even do this with you right now,"
"Why don't we just make a Google slides presentation? They're way easier,"
Percy's face lit up. "Derek you're a genius! We could just print out professional looking papers and glue them on, with our own font and everything,"
"Okay...but we still have to right two thirds of the report," Percy had totally forgot. They didn't even know how to write a report.
"Shit, what're we gonna do?"
"We could always..."
"No. We're not doing that,"
"Oh come on! Lily's prices are low and frankly we don't have very many options,"
"Yeah but what if we got caught?"
"Dude, she writes essays, its not a felony,"
"Maybe so, but it's the only option we've got. You know we can't write for shit,"
"Yeah yeah, I know. I just feel like she's undressing me with her eyes every time she looks at me,"
"Dude, not everyone wants to fuck you. Me excluded," he said with a shit eating grin on his face. After flipping him off, Percy said,
"Okay fine we'll ask her at lunch tomorrow,"
"Thank you my bro," Derek said. So they'd ask her tomorrow. What could go wrong?

DysfunctionalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora