I'm Too Good For You...(Hoseok)pt.3

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You paced around with Torrid's phone in hand with a sick feeling boiling in the pit of your stomach. Yes, the evidence was right in front of you, but it felt so unreal. You and Hoseok have always had this unbreakable bond of love between the both of you. What has been happening to him? Why was he acting like such an asshole these past few days?

Guess that "unbreakable bond of love" was now gone.

Torrid jumped to her feet and wrapped her arms around your body in a calling manner. Before you'd realize it, you were entering a panic attack with tears escaping down your brown-toned cheeks.

"Honey calm down! You're too pretty to cry over his ass." She slowly brought you down onto your bed and wiped away your tears.

Even though you didn't want to admit it, she was right. You didn't need to be here crying over his arrogant ass. You WERE too pretty to cry over him.

"Look, what you're not about to do is sit here and cry over Hoseok. Your gonna take your ass in that bathroom, do your hair, throw on some long-ass lashes, and go to that fucking party! Shit, I'm gonna go too just to tease Yoongi!"

You couldn't help but giggle at her weird and slightly aggressive way of helping you out of your distraught moments. But did you want to go and see Hoseok right now? No. But did you lowkey want to get dressed up? Yes actually...

"Where's that black split-hemmed dress you had? You should wear that tonight. That'll kill his ass since he wanna cheat!"

You thought for a second before walking to your closet and pulling out the simple yet cute dress. It was short, maybe mid-thigh, and has a nice laced trim on the top. This was for sure gonna kill him.

You quickly went into your bathroom to change into the dress, still hugged your figure the way you wanted.

You decided to go ahead and apply some light makeup and fix your hair into a nice and simple slick back bun with a side part. Even though most people would think you're slightly underdressed, but one thing Hoseok had a weakness for was your natural curls and your figure showing off in unholy ways.

"I think I'm going to head home and start getting ready, I'll meet you there in another hour max." She stood and began to slide her shoes on before bidding you one last goodby. "Alright, text me when you're on the way."

You completed your outfit with custom black butterfly earrings that were of course a gift from Hoseok.

"I better at least go and have a good time..."


You left your home in an uber and made it to the party just twenty minutes later.

The air smelled like a mix of perfumes and colognes on top of cheap beers and some fancy champagne that came from someone's parents. You shook at the thought before making your way through the crowd of people. Luckily this party was near the lake and had some people on very expensive yachts...made more room to get around.

Just as you were about to pass the biggest yacht, you glanced and saw Hoseok with that bitch Alex clinging onto him.

It made you cringe and nearly vomit at the thought.

You felt someone grab your arm and pull you back a few steps.

Just before you could pull out your pepper spray and potentially register someone as a sex offender, you looked to see Yoongi with a red cup in hand and had the sent of his cologne mixed with the drink in hand.

You could tell by his actions that he was trying to lure you away from Hoseok.

"Y/n? Is Torrid here with you?" He was high and drunk at the same time even though the party started almost two hours ago...how in the hell?

"She should be here shortly...that is if she decides to come." You gave him a kind smile before turning on your heels to walk away. Just before you could make one more step, the male is in front of you once more with a more serious look on his face.

"Y/n, I don't think you want to go up there..."

Now he had you pissed. How dare he hide this from you? If anything, he should have known how wrong it is to keep something like this a secret even if it is his best friend.
But what could you expect, birds of a feather flock together.

Right before you could protest, Torrid is pulling your arm from the males grasp.

"Move NOW, or I will knock your high ass into the water." Her face was full of disgust and disappointment as her ex was before her...looking worse than usual.

"Baby! I missed you so much."
His words were slurred but clear enough where you could tell he wasn't just talking through the influence.

He meant it.

"Too bad."

With that, Torrid pulled you away and you both made your way up the yacht stairs and smoothly walked past Hoseok who caught a glimpse of your outfit.

His whole attitude changed from calm to hungry.

So far, the plan was working.

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