Rating How Well He Watches The Kids

566 18 3

Sorry for my absence you guys, my mind hasn't been in the right place.




His ass not watching the kids alone. The last time you left him alone with the kids, you came home to them cleaning burnt chicken from three different pans.



Seokjin is actually very responsible when he stays home with the kids. Maybe it's the way he was always watching over the members? Or maybe he was just more mature. He would often take your kids to the park, walks to get ice cream, or even do small things like helping out with homework.  

Overall, 10/10


Yoongi is pretty good at watching the kids. Except, he'll fall asleep and forget that your toddlers can't be alone. One time you came home to your TV on the floor and the washing machine overloaded with bubble soap.



He's so good at watching the kids that you wish you could stay home from work and have his ass watch you. Every day he's home, they're doing a new activity. One day he's taking your young daughters shopping and spending a few thousand easily, and the next day your sons are at a basketball game with matching jerseys. 



Jimin tends to be very relaxed when he's home with the kids. He always knows how to keep them occupied with activities. He'll gladly watch princess movies with his daughters and legos with his sons. He'll even be sure to have dinner ready for you on the stove.



Taehyung is EXTREMELY good with kids...despite you guys having six. At first, you weren't so sure about him being alone most of the day with all of the kids and no help, but after seeing his routine and how well he cared for them equally, your worries went out the window. Like Hoseok and Jimin, he's quick to spoil and spend time with them.



Y'all only have one four year old, and he cant manage to watch him alone. You and Jungkook didn't plan to have kids, but when you found out you were pregnant, both of you quickly got it together and managed to be the best parents you could. The problem is, you and Jungkook arent the most matured parents.

You both would sometimes forget your son at daycare, forget scheduling appointments, and even forgot dinner a few times. Even after all that, you both still manage to make the best childhood possible.


Small update, I got something else tomorrow. 🤎

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