A Part-Time Sitter (Yoongi)

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After a nearly twenty-minute ride, and a side stop at Wendy's, you and Jungkook made it back to your semi-shared apartment. You glanced briefly at Jungkook to see him picking at Yoongi's things which consisted of weed, rolling papers, a few t-shirts, and to your surprise, a Cuban link.

"Does Yoongi live with you or is this just something where you both fuck around?" You abruptly shook your head and shot a brief glare at the male. "Of course, we're not fucking around, he unexpectedly invited himself into my house. I just can't seem to get him out..." He nodded before having a seat on the couch. 

You quickly went to retrieve your headphones before being interrupted by your phone's ringing and looked over to see "NOT SUCH A BABY🥴" written across the screen before starting to panic. 

You completely forgot about Yoongi and Jimin...and Jimin's car that you left running. But still, you answered the phone because you still found it amusing to fuck with Yoongi at times like this.

On the last ring, you finally picked up and were greeted with instant wrath.

"Where the FUCK are you, y/n?!"

You were shocked, to say the least, but not shocked enough to let the male have full control over you.

"Jungkook and I decided to come back to the apartment. We also stopped for food on the way...no you and Jimin didn't get anything." You could feel his frustration through the phone. You felt bad for a second before focusing on the voices in the background. Jimin and Yoongi were obvious, but you could also make out a few others as well.

"I hope your happy, you almost killed Jimin's car battery. We're coming back to the apartment now."

Your hand slowly came up to seal the giggle leaving your lips. You decided to start cleaning the apartment for their arrival; despite Yoongi and his boys making most of the mess, you can't stand being in a messy space for too long.

"Fine, see you when you get back." You hung up before looking over and Jungkook who seemed to be getting well-fixated on your game console. "Aye y/n, I think I'm gonna kill that score in Street Fighters. It was mad low anyways..."

You rolled your eyes before starting on the kitchen before those two came back and wrecked everything again; especially Jimin...dude can eat.


Before you knew it, about forty-five minutes passed before you were placing the last dish in its place, and Jungkook finished sweeping the floors before Jimin and Yoongi came busting through the doors looking semi-pissed and semi-tired.

You also noticed that familiar face from earlier.

Before you could register his name, you were being pulled to the side by Yoongi who was quickly hitting a lit blunt. He pushed you into your bedroom before closing the door and blocking it with his slender frame. 

Once again, he hit his blunt before he spoke.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

His voice was hard and cold as his eyes pierced through yours with no mercy.

All you could do was stand and watch as the smoke left his nostrils before he blew the rest out with an O-like shape. This time he actually intimidated you.

"Your grown, I get that. But, I won't have you running off with people you don't know AND giving them access to your location."

Once again he hit that blunt, but this time, his eyes never left yours.

"You lucky it was Jungkook's oblivious ass, that could have been some old ass man who creeps around women like you..." Without giving you a chance to answer, he moves from the door and walks out of your room in silence. 

You stood there in shock before feeling your racing heart slow down.

The effect that man has on you.

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