Just Business (Jimin)

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The field you specialized in wasn't much to be proud of; it wasn't to even be spoken of. You've been an assassin for nearly three years now, and never have you failed in carrying out an attempt.

Despite you not having a permanent partner, you weren't exempted from working with others in your agency.

However, working with Jimin was a job itself.

"You've been assigned to Park again, y/l/n. Just be sure to get the job done and report back alive." 

You kissed your teeth as your boss, "Karasuma," only gave you a hand signal to leave, which you ignored.

You shifted in the seat in front of the male before fixing the long dark trench coat that covered your high-slit dress. Working with Park was the last thing you wanted.

"Give me someone else, Karasuma; Park's ego is bigger than his own size. We'll never accomplish what we need to do." The older male rolled his eyes before shifting to his filing cabinet. He puts out a thick manila folder with loose sheets of paper nearly falling from the folds.

"Whether you like him or not, the guy's got the skill and performance needed to be an assassin...he's looked death in the eyes and completes every job we need." You flipped through each page, each having more words than the last. He was good and even had his own trademark in the assassin world.

You sighed deeply before making your way out of the office.

Your dark stiletto heels clicked against the light marble floors as you went outside to the soft snow accompanied by a stale breeze that sat in the air.

You once again pulled at your long coat to cover your revealing skin. The early December snowfall seemed too calming for the chaotic night ahead.

"A little much for tonight?" You turned to the raven-haired male before rolling your eyes and walking to the cold metal bench outside the agency.

"Karasuma sent a car for us. Just wait here and don't piss me off too much...the night is still young." The male followed and swiftly had a set next to you.

"You know, you don't have to keep acting as if you hate me, y/l/n..." You silently fixed your dark straight hair as your fingers combed through the tiny snowflakes.

"Who said I was acting, Park?" 

Before he could speak, the male was interrupted by the silver bullet-like appearance from the corners of y'all eyes.

The BMW sat perfectly in the snow as the window rolled down to reveal Seo in the driver's seat.

"Karasuma sent me; let's hurry before the job goes unfinished." You both spared no time and got in quickly. You both had worked with Seo on different occasions, so you were sure that this job would run smoothly.

The issue...he was a lot like Jimin.

Cocky little shit who was surprisingly on the higher-ranking side of the chart. He always got the job done, nevertheless. It agitated you how they were very annoying yet always reliable.


The drive across the city wasn't too bad. A bit out of the way, but you expected nothing less for a gala. Changbin wasted no time getting you and Jimin to the gala, one of the best qualities of having a reliable getaway. However, sometimes he was too reckless in blowing your cover and getting everyone caught.

"Wait around the back, Seo; this should take an hour at most." He nodded swiftly and pulled away as soon as you and Jimin made it inside.

The building was blinding with lights as the sweet scents of perfumes and colognes filled the air. Men who smoked swishers occupied the gambling tables as the women who preferred to talk with friends sat at the tables having wine served.

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