The Enemy I Love (Taehyung)

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The third period was always the most prolonged period of the day, the lunch period. Usually, we'd have a couple of assignments due, but today was more of a free period. Plus, we only had another twenty minutes until it was time for lunch.

"Come home soon" by the Intruders. Played gently into your ears as you lightly scribbled on the back of your math sheet. From the corner of your eyes, you could see Taehyung getting yelled at by one of his ex-flings, Allure. 

Despite her pretty name, she was far from a pretty girl, attitude-wise, at least.

Taehyung was your typically attractive athlete who pulled a lot of pretty girls and had an excellent academic record...but you never knew him personally. Most of the stories you've heard were from your friends.

"So she is pregnant? You don't have to lie; I already asked Alona." Allure fixed her position in her seat before she continued to poke at the male's arm.

"Why do you have to be so loud? The room is silent as hell, and you're the only one yelling."

He wasn't wrong, everyone was doing their own thing, yet she was the only one yelling out his private shit that nobody asked for. But you couldn't complain; this was entertaining before lunch. "Don't worry; when that bell rings, I'll find Anthony and see if he spoke to her. This your karma for cheating."

Before Tae could respond, the bell rang, and Allure was rushing out the door angrily...slightly pushing you in the process as you sat a couple of seats from them.

Before you can slap the cat piss out of her, Taehyung comes behind you and apologizes for her outburst. "My bad for her, y/n?" 

His deep brown eyes never left yours as he smirked slightly before walking away. You shivered before moving your jet-black hair over your shoulder. "The fuck was that about?"


"Should've slapped her ass; she got her head too far up his ass anyways. You can tell he was just fucking anything when he met her." You almost choked on your chips before laughing at Jasmine. You kept a small circle with about five people you talked to daily, but she was your best friend.

"I mean, you're not wrong; I haven't spoken to him formally so I can't talk about him, but from what I've noticed, he's kind of arrogant. With him and Allure in the same class, they only argue. You can tell it's mainly her causing it. She was the one who sat next to him. "

It was currently November and almost the end of the first semester. Soon classes would change, and you prayed that you were out of Mr. Williams's class since you shared it with the couple.

Technically they weren't a couple. The story you were told went that Tae was originally with Allure but cheated on her with a girl named "Leah" and got her pregnant. Leah had an abortion, moved cities, and cut all ties with him. Now, Tae isn't with either Leah or Allure but is supposedly with a girl named "Asia."

Jasmine was the one who told you this story, of course, but she and Tae were pretty good friends due to them having three classes together.

"Your hair color still looks good. You picked the right time to color and straighten it again since it's getting colder. I may straighten mines." Jasmine was always good with hair. She knew how to straighten, color, braid, etc. You usually kept your hair in its regular curly state and would look online for style inspiration. But lately, it was time for a good silk press with it getting colder.

"I want to try a deep blue color next or even pink. You think that's too much?" She shook her head before sipping on her water. "Not at all." Before you continued, you looked up near the cafeteria doors to see Tae coming out with Asia hand in hand. 

Jasmine followed your gaze before speaking.

"I know me and him cool and all, but I can't stand niggas like him. Always the root of drama. Like yes, Allure is annoying as hell! But we'd be lying if we said she was the only one starting the arguments. He feeds into it." Agreed. He feeds off the energy of being wanted, but that's most people.

"You're not wrong. I wonder if his new girlfriend knows Allure argues about her. I feel like she still wants him..."

You shrug it off before the final bell rung for the last period. You said your goodbyes before going to class.



The last period ended quickly as it was English, which was easy for you. There was a paper due in a week that you were sure to write quickly. It took nothing for you to type a last-minute paper.

You made it home, showered, ate, and found yourself on the couch with "On my block" playing in the background.

"Can you send me the answers for Mr. Williams's class? I don't feel like asking Tae. I already know he was arguing with Allure." You giggled at Jungkook, who was mutual with Tae since they played football together.

"I got you, but I'm gonna need payment for looking out again." He kissed his teeth before showing his face on the screen. "Damn, y/n, I got you tomorrow at school." You winked before letting out one last laugh as he shoots you the middle finger.

You continued to scroll on Instagram and go through a few stories as you sat on the Facetime call with Jungkook. He was on his way to work and always found time in his day to bother you. He would be considered one of the five people in your circle.

You received a notification and looked to see it was an Instagram alert. 

Lord and behold, it was Taehyung liking your story.

"Jungkook, why did Tae like my story? We don't even follow each other." He chuckled before picking up his phone to go to work. "Maybe you're his next victim. Winter break is coming; he might want a new bitch for Christmas."

You rolled your eyes at his comment before turning the TV down.  

"He can't be pursuing me; he has too much going on." He hummed before looking at you through the camera and opening the door to the building. "Well, y/n, I wouldn't talk to him if we were being honest. I wouldn't want you getting caught up with him and those females." You nodded at his words before stating your goodbyes and hanging up.

"We'll see..."



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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