Lil bit light(13)

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"How do you know how it feels," I said as confused as ever.

"Well, that is a story for another time, what matters more now, is you"

I was confused by his words, why did he start being so nice to me, it would have been okay if he just walked away and did not stay here to see me cry my pancreas out. Oh what a shame Emma, you cried in front of this bastard, NO !! , you should have better things in life. But he seemed genuinely concerned so I will let this one pass and see what he is up to.

"What do you want to do now?" he added.

"I do not know I just came here to walk around the village and see the fair"

"That is a good idea let us visit the fair, it should be 10 mins from here if we walked."

I was thinking before giving an answer, "Can I trust this man, what if he would sell me in the middle of the market or take advantage of me." What Emma? since when you are having these corrupted thoughts about people, he seems like a good person, and moreover, you have spent past like 5 months with him since school started, what is making you think this foolery.

"What are you thinking Emma?"

"Nothing yes we can go to the fair"

"Okay then"


We were in the fair and had almost tried every ride together, he is not a bully always, he can be a gentleman if he really wishes, besides, he can be a cool company. I never thought that being around him can be a good time. I am really wishing that this never ends, I was having soo much fun.

We were walking towards the camp when I saw a stall of bangles and bracelets. 

"Wait, we cannot go camp" I shouted out of nowhere.

Adrien was worried, "Why can't we? What happened? Are you still downcast? We can cheer you up by listening to some music?"

"NOOOO, I just want those bracelets"

"Omg Emma! was this it, you scared me."

"Okay you scaredy bitch, now can we go and buy those?"

"okay if you say"

I really loved the traditional design of the bangles and the bracelets were more than a delight. My mind was really confused after seeing every bracelet there, each one was better than the other. I just picked up each and tried it on, one by one, as happy as a rabbit.

"You really love these huh?"

"Yeah I do, my father bought me soo many of these, when we went to these types of fairs"

"Oh then I must also buy you one as a gift from me, would it be okay to you?"

What was I hearing? He would buy me a bracelet of his choice, and on the top with his money. It is not like these are expensive, but I really do not want him to worry much about it.

"No need to worry, I would buy it, thanks for the offer though"

"Up to you" he shrugged.

I kept my credit card on the desk and proceeded with the payment. I liked a silver one with a black butterfly on it, it looked soo amazing, I would wear it often now, I resolved to myself.

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