Chapter 10

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"Pony! Where have you been?"

Waving her hand in the universal 'hello' gesture, Pony arrived back with her friends.

"I was...umm...asking, Midoriya-sensei for help." Explained Pony with a bit of difficulty. Pony's handle on Japanese was still a work in progress though she's able to communicate well enough with everyone.

"Pony you sly girl, sneaking off to our new Sensei all by yourself while we went to lunch!" Teased Setsuna in an accusing tone.

"N-no! I was asking for help with my Japanese!" Pony moved her clenched hands up and down. "Honest!"

"We know Pony, Setsuna's just teasing." Kendo nudged her classmate with her elbow. "But good for you Pony, who knew that Midoriya-sensei could speak English?"

"Mhm. But why are there so much people here?" Pony pointed to the crowd behind her friends. It was the sole reason that she was able to find her classmates after all. "Is there a fight? And where's everyone else?"

"Nah, just some people trying to start a fight with Class 1A. And everyone else decided to not stick around to see what'll happen next." A comment about declaring war was heard soon after. "See? Only troublesome guys like that will want to start a fight."

"Hey!! You!! I'm from Class 1B!"

"Or an idiot!" Commented Setsuna. Kendo palmed her forehead at hearing her classmate. Why did he have to go and shout at Class 1A?

"First Monoma and Tetsutetsu. Why is my class like this?" Muttered Kendo. The stress of having to keep her classmates in line from time to time was overwhelming.

"Oh, don't think ill of them Kendo-san. I'm sure they're just having fun." Hearing the voice that Kendo has come to known brought shivers down her spine. As well as her classmates. They looked behind Pony, who had turned around, and saw their second homeroom teacher standing there with a smile.


"Midoriya-sensei~! Were you just eavesdropping on a girls only conversation~?" Setsuna pointed her finger at him and wagged it side to side. "That's very naughty of you sensei." She scolded in a teasing tone.

"No, it's nothing like that. Honest." Midoriya chuckled at his student's antics. "I just happened to be walking by when I heard the commotion. Seems like everyone is aiming for the top spot in the Sports Festival."

"Yeah, they sure are. But Midoriya-sensei, why does your hair look messy?" Questioned Kendo. True to her word Midoriya's hair appeared to be messier than compared to his natural curly hair. Squinting her eyes a bit Kendo noticed very small specks of dirt on Midoriya-sensei's white coat, his shirt even being a bit shriveled.

"Oh, this?" Midoriya pointed at his hair. "You could say that I have a very enthusiastic friend. But more importantly..." Midoriya brought his hand inside his coat before pulling out a piece of paper with some writing on it.

"Here," he handed it to Pony who gingerly took it, "this is a postcard with hours that I am available at. I figured with the Sports Festival that you would want to train but I know that you would still want to improve on your Japanese. With this card having my contact information you can contact me and we can schedule a school appointment that works for the both of us."

Pony stared at the postcard and up at her sensei, repeating the action a few times.

"Th-thank you, Midoriya-sensei. I'll be sure to work hard in both." Pony gratefully said. She didn't even expect for her new teacher to go out of his way to help her with something as small as this. She will treasure this thoughtful act.

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