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  The morning sunlight trickled into my room through the slits in my cotton drapes. The yellow and orange colors glazed over my bed, and illuminated my nightstand.

11:34 a.m.

Is the time my black table clock reads. "Shit," I mumbled loudly. Taking my phone off its tangled charging cord, and quickly throwing off my white duvet that fell to the floor in a slow escapade, I threw on my white slippers and ran to the bathroom. The grey hardwood floors creaked under my swift steps. Looking at my bright screen I noticed three missed calls and five messages from Isabella. Quickly pulling up her contact, I dialed her number.

"I am so so so sorry, I fell asleep and forgot to set my alarm," I mumbled while trying to turn on the shower, the cold water descending down the black shower head.

"You were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago Viviana, you seriously have to get your time management skills set straight." She said into the phone, clearly annoyed. "I know, I know I just couldn't fall asleep because of what happened yesterday. This whole thing is just stressing me out so bad, I feel so out of control right now. I mean my dad practically shoved a plane ticket in my face and said, hey I'm pretty sure you're depressed, so instead of you staying in Washington we're I can't watch your every move. I want you to move across the country!" I said, sticking my hand under the water, and checking if it was hot yet.

"Fine just get here soon, I still haven't even ordered food waiting for you, the waitress is probably thinking I got stood up or something." She said through the phone. I laughed breathlessly, "Fine give me like fifteen minutes, bye." I hung up the phone placing it on the marbled countertop. Letting my clothes slip off, landing into a jumbled pile on the floor, I stepped into the shower. The steaming water trickled down my back, covering my body in a foggy warmth.

After I finished showering, I briskly stepped out of the tower, patting myself dry with a grey towel. I zipped up a pair of pale mom jeans that were frayed at the ends and threw on a white long-sleeve shirt over my green bra. Grabbing my brown laptop bag and my apartment keys, I made my way towards the door.

Walking up to the small coffee shop I opened the wooden doors, and a rich scent flooded my nostrils. Readjusting my bag onto my shoulder, I make my way through the multiple tables filled with people and pastries. Sliding past each table, I finally saw the back of Isabelle's long dark hair, effortless beach waves cascaded down her shoulders, and over the light grey sweater she was wearing. I pulled out one of the brown stools across from her and sat down, letting my bag drop to the floor.

Isabella was on the phone talking away, her breathy voice strained from trying to talk above the other conversations that were happening around the café.

Tearing my attention away from her, and the heated argument that was going on over the phone, my eyes scattered around the small shop.

Laying my eyes on a short blond-haired waitress, I quickly flagged her down. After I ordered drinks and a bagel for me and Isabella I averted my attention back to her.

Pulling out my MacBook from the cotton brown bag, that sat beneath my wooden stool, Isabella finally got off her phone. "Finally you're here, I was scared you were going to fall asleep in the shower or something." She said before quickly going back to working on her computer. I rolled my eyes at her remark, before pulling up the Google Chrome browser and typing in "Verlice High, NY" into the computer. Scanning through the multiple photos that appeared under the images section, I clicked on the clearest one.

"Holy shit, look at this place Is, it's like straight out of a fucking Harry Potter movie or something." Zooming in on the images of the campus, I turned the laptop around so Isabella could see it.

Reddish-brown bricks made up most of the buildings, ivory vines wrapped around the grey tiled roofs, supported by wide columned pillars. Floor to floor, white framed windows covered the walls, and large detailed fountains sat in between the paths, surrounded by bushes and maple trees. The perfectly paved walkways littered with benches, and black street posts. The buildings looked like they could be the cover of Architectural Digest, even the students walking around seemed to fit right in with bright smiles, and clean uniforms.

"I can't believe that your dad is making you move. I mean seriously, wouldn't moving you away from me, your best friend in the entire world make you even more depressed and lonely than you already are." She said in a very serious tone. "Thanks?" I replied.

"Huh, their campus is like really nice, look at all their classes." This time it was Isabella turning her computer around so I could see. She had pulled up the school's main website which was cluttered with available classes, programs, dormitory options, tuition, and uniform mandates.

"I don't know Viv, this place looks pretty fucking nice. Maybe going wouldn't be like the worst thing in the entire world. I mean the only relative you are really in contact with is your aunt and doesn't she live up there? It might be good to actually live with someone for a while. Instead of being cooped up in that small apartment of yours." She said scrolling through the website on her computer.

"Who's side are you on here Isabella? Mine or my maniac fathers?" I asked teasingly as she put her hands up in a defensive position.

"Yours of course, but you have to look at the other side of things" she muttered back. "Since when did you become the responsible one." I sighed furrowing my eyebrows at her as she played the devil's advocate.

She just shrugged and went back to scrolling on her computer, leaving us to sit in a comfortable silence.

After our drinks arrived I continued exploring the website, looking at the different classes and electives I could take. My eyes caught a photography class and I made a mental note to look into that later.

I was about to take a sip from the foamy delicious that was steaming from the paper coffee cup in my hand when my phone buzzed. There was no caller ID on the drop-down screen but I answered it anyway because who knows, what if I had won the lottery or something?

"Hello?" I asked into the speaker, holding my phone against my ear. "Viviana, I want you back at the apartment in 10 to discuss your moving plans." My dad's voice rang through my phone. Rolling my eyes I placed my phone back on the small coffee table a little too hard, startling Isabella. The dial tone of my father's irritating call echoes from my phone's speaker and Isabella gives me a knowing look.

Shoving my things back into my cotton bag, I push my chair out and stand up. Isabella stood with me and moved over to where I was standing, opening her arms like a welcoming teddy bear. I immediately wrapped my hands around her waist and we just stood there for a minute, holding each other, before I shifted my arms off her and pulled back.

"So is this goodbye?" She said, her deep brown eyes glassed over with tears threatening to spill. "Of course not." I muttered, "Just see you later." I said, trying my hardest to give her a warm smile and not break down in the middle of the crowded coffee shop.

"You're my best friend and you have to text me every hour, and you have to FaceTime me every night, and you can't replace me with a new rich, preppy, private school girl who uses a Loui Vuitton purse for her school bag," Isabell said squeezing my shoulders.

"Ok but what if she offers me a Loui bag too?" I said giving her a frown. "Then I'll fly to New York and murder you and then take the bag and sell it for a criminally low price on eBay." She said laughing as she whipped under her eyes with her manicured fingers.


word count : 1394

First chapter up, I hope you liked it!

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