Book I - Prologue

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EDIT (04/04/22)
This book is completed. Chapters will undergo edits soon.
There is a sequel out that carries on straight after the ending chapter of this book. You can find the sequel on my page.
Have fun ;)


It was not going well for him at all.

He wished it would all end. Quickly.

Life at the Dursley's place was getting out of hand. Every step he took would result in a slap, a kick or a punch. He couldn't escape it.

Life just didn't seem worth living to him anymore.

Sirius was the one and only constant he could count on in his life, the only thing that kept him sane in times of stress. Especially when he blamed himself for Cedric's death.

Cedric's death was Harry's first breaking point. When Harry's life went to shit. When he never seemed to smile anymore.

He still saw Cedric in his dreams. The way he used to look at Harry. The way he used to comfort Harry. The way he just used to be there for Harry, even when his closest friends weren't. It is safe to say Cedric was Harry's bi awakening, (also his depression awakening).

Ron still hadn't 100% gotten over the grudge he had against Harry in 4th year, but Hermione convinced him to try and forget about it. Harry could tell Ron never acted the same around him. He hated it.


Draco had started to take more interest in a certain Potter.

Somehow, he was the only one that noticed that something was off with him in 5th year. He was the only one who noticed that Harry had extremely dark bags under his eyes, or the fact that he would barely show up to the great hall to eat, and when he did, he would eat the bare minimum of food he needed. He grew increasingly worried, so to say.

However, he never acted on his worries. He knew 'Potter would just ignore his antics and hex him, or something'.

He did, however, promise himself to have a chat with Potter when he sees him next. He would really like to get to know the guy. He didn't really hate him, per se.


Harry wanted out.

He didn't want to be a part of life any longer.

He planned to take his life the very next day.

And just like that,

He finally had something to look forward to in his short lived life.


It is shit, I know. Bare with me friends.

Nice life you are living, Potter - H.PWhere stories live. Discover now