IV - death would be better than this

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"Come on, Harry. You know it is true."

"No, no it is not."

"Yes it is, Harry."





Harry woke up with a pant. His head was pounding and he felt sick.

He turned to his right to see Malfoy scared out of his wit on the bed.

Harry stood up from the floor and felt dizzy. He caught onto the wall to stabilise himself.

"Are you alright, Potter?" Draco asked, trying to be helpful.

"Yeah. Brilliant." He seethed.

"Need help?" Draco offered.

"No, Malfoy. I can handle myself." Harry bit back. Draco nodded.

Harry slowly made his way to the bathroom. The dizziness would not go away.

He splashed some water on his face, thinking it would help. It didn't.

He eventually went back into the room, seeing the time was 6:00am. There was no point going back to sleep.

He put some clothes on and made his way downstairs. It was Friday today. Vernon liked Fridays. That usually was not good for Harry.

He began doing his daily chores, wanting to get them done before Malfoy woke up, not wanting to be questioned as to why he is doing 'the house elf's jobs'.


Two hours passed and Harry was exhausted again. The dizziness came back, and the rumbling in his stomach became more evident. It was only eight in the morning.

Harry started breakfast, the usual of course, as he knew Vernon would be down any time soon. He had to be at work in a little bit.

All three Dursley's were down now. Impatiently waiting for their breakfast.

"Freak! Go get that Draco boy." Vernon spat.

"Alright, uncle Vernon." Harry returned weakly.

Harry trudged up the stairs, knocking on the bedroom door, "come in."

He entered the room, locking eyes with a fully-clothed Draco Malfoy.

"Uh- breakfast is ready. Just thought you should know." Harry told him awkwardly.

"Thanks. Are you going to eat this time?" Harry froze at the question.

"I uh, already ate." Harry lied.

"Hmm." Draco said unamused.

They walked in silence down the stairs, Draco confused about everything going on.

"-And then Karen says 'Bernard and I are going for coffee after work', but the funniest part was when Bernard said 'we are?' OH IT WAS HILARIOUS!" They heard Petunia speak from the dining table.

"Wow, muggles have some serious issues." Draco whispered.

"You know for once, Malfoy, I agree with you." Harry confessed.

Nice life you are living, Potter - H.PWhere stories live. Discover now