L - the end to his suffering

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"Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them."
-George Eliot


They touched down in Dumbledore's office, stumbling slightly.

"We did it! We are all safe!" Draco exclaimed happily.

"Is everyone alright?" Snape asked.

"Yeah, fine." Came from Ron.

"Never better," Hermione stated.

"Harry," Draco asked, "what about you?"

"Where is Harry?" Snape asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Harry! What? He just apparated with us!" Hermione stressed.

Draco frantically looked around the room. In that moment, his heart stopped.

He saw Harry's limp figure sprawled out on the floor, lifeless.

Draco rushed over to Harry as fast as he possibly could, "no...Harry, no!"

The others heard Draco's pleading and rushed over, also.

"Harry! No! Please, no! You can't be...no!" Draco shouted as he clutched Harry's body tightly.

Snape kneeled next to the distraught boy, he gulped deeply.

He checked for a pulse on Harry, there was none to be found.

"Draco, I am sorry..." Snape said as he put a hand on his godson's shoulders

"No! No!" Draco cried in agony, "how?"

"I don't know, Draco." Snape informed, a tear slid down his pale cheek, too.

Hermione sobbed pathetically on Ron's shoulder. She couldn't bare the thought of her brother being dead.

"My Harry! No...you had so much to live for! I love you! Please..." Draco sobbed.

"Draco, he is dead, there is nothing we can do." Snape blatantly told the boy.

Draco burst into hysterics, not wanting to let the lifeless body of his lover go.

Dumbledore apparated back into the room, immediately bombarded with Draco's sobs.

"What happened?" He asked with worry.

"Harry's dead." Snape said.

"Dead?" Dumbledore chocked on his words.

"Dead." Snape repeated.

Dumbledore rushed to Draco who clutched Harry strongly.

"Draco, please, I need to see Harry." He said.

"No!" Draco cried, "no, please!"

Snape had to pry Draco off of Harry which was not easy.

"Stop! I need Harry! Please!" Draco shouted.

"Draco, please. It is only for a minute." Snape reassured. He accioed a calming draught and forced it down the boy's throat. Draco's body relaxed but his sobs didn't die down.

Snape held Draco tightly in his arms.

Dumbledore checked over Harry's body, confirming the cause of his death.

"He was hit with remnants of the killing curse. That was his cause of death." Dumbledore explained.

"I can't believe he is dead." Ron hiccuped through his tears. He didn't even get to apologise to Harry.

Snape let go of Draco, letting him go back to Harry.

"My love, why did you have to leave?" Draco sobbed, "you were my life, you were my everything. I need you."

Hermione approached the body, too, "oh, Harry – my brother. I love you so much, I always will."

"Harry, please. Please come back, I love you." Draco pleaded.

Snape comfortingly put a hand on Draco's.

"I didn't even get to propose to you,"


I am a heart breaker, sue me.

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