XVIII - Harry?

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"Hermione relax." Harry started off.

"Relax!? How do you propose I do that then? Do you know how worried I was when I didn't see you on the Hogwarts express?" Hermione scolded him.

"I am sorry, 'Mione, something happened over the holidays and I have been staying here." Harry explained, Hermione looked even more confused.

"What happened over the holiday? Harry are you alright? Tell me." Hermione pleaded, she was very worried about Harry and his odd behaviour recently.

"I can't tell you right now what happened, but everything is alright." Harry reassured. Ron wouldn't add anything to the conversation, he refused to look Harry in the eye.

"Alright Harry, if you say so." She ended the conversation, taking a seat opposite Harry. She pushed Ron to do the same. She may be smart, but she definitely wasn't socially smart.

"How was your holiday, Ron?" Harry tried.

"Good." Ron said plainly as he shrugged his shoulders. Harry frowned.

"Anything else interesting happen?" Harry was begging that Ron would snap out of this childish feud.

"No." Ron said, evidently agitated.

"Ok," Harry inhaled deeply to stop himself from snapping at him, "What about Fred, George and Ginny? How are they?"

"Fine." Ron answered shortly. Harry slammed his fists on the table, capturing the attention of some of the Gryffindor's around him. Ron looked up at Harry in confusion.

"God fucking dammit Ron! What is wrong with you? Why won't you fucking talk to me? Can't you see how much of an effort I am making and you just sit there answering my questions with one word! What the fuck?" Harry shouted at Ron, the whole Slytherin table turning their attention to them.

Ron seemed to fill up with anger, "I don't want to fucking talk to you because you are a selfish prick. Do you know how worried I was about you in fourth year? When your name got picked out of the goblet. I was practically eating myself up inside because of it, that is why I was mad at you."

Guilt fell on Harry, but he was still overwhelmed by anger, "Then why did you avoid me in fifth year? Huh? When I needed you most?"

Ron began to get emotional, "Because! The state you were in when Diggory died killed me. You would not talk to me or Hermione! When I would send you letters during the holiday, checking up on you, you would ignore them. I hated seeing you like that, but at the same time you basically stopped making an effort to talk to me, so I stopped too."

Harry was so emotionally drained, he could barely process words, "Do you really blame me for grieving the loss of someone so close to me? After all we went through last year. Fuck you Ronald Weasley."

Harry ran out of the great hall, striking the attention of the staff.

Ron was frozen in his spot. What had he done wrong?

"Ronald, you idiot! Why did you say those things to Harry? Especially since you know what happened after Diggory died." Hermione shouted at Ron, going big-sister mode.

"I don't know! I was so mad, it just came out!" Ron said, he wanted to know if Harry is okay.

At the staff table, Dumbledore leaned towards Snape and whispered something into his ear. Snape stood up, the whole hall was silent, and walked over to the Slytherin table.

He made it to the blond-haired student known as Draco Malfoy, and whispered something into his ear along the lines of "Go find Potter", Draco nodded and walked out of the hall. Snape walked back to the staff table.

"May I have your attention please, everybody." Dumbledore's voice called, "Welcome all, to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To the second years and above, the same rules apply as the previous years, and we expect nothing but excellence from each of you. To the first years, we have a few rules we ask you to respect: bullying or any form of fighting will not be tolerated, do not miss your curfew, and finally, the forbidden forest is off limits to anyone at anytime. P.S Mr Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger, professor Mcgonagall wishes to see the both of you in her office tomorrow morning at 7:30am, along with Mr Harry Potter. Otherwise, let the feast begin!" All the food appeared on the table, everyone dug in.

"This is your fault Ronald." Hermione said in a low voice.

"Whatever." Ron replied, eating a chicken drumstick.


When Draco left the great hall, he tried to think about where Harry would go.

Fist he tried the astronomy tower, he wasn't there.

Then he tried the owlery, nope.

But then, it clicked. He ran to Myrtle's bathroom, hearing loud sobbing coming from the back of the bathroom.

"Hello Draco Malfoy!" Myrtle said, scaring the wits out of Draco.

"Merlin, Myrtle. You scared the Slytherin out of me." Draco said, holding his chest, Myrtle laughed, "Anyway, do you know if Harry Potter is in here?"

"Yes he is, he is very upset, and he has lost of blood on his arms, he looked pretty dizzy." Myrtle told him.

"Okay, okay. Did he say anything to you?" Draco asked in a rush to go check Harry.

"He just said, 'I am sorry'." Myrtle spoke.

"Shit." Draco cursed to himself.

"I would love to have a ghost friend." Myrtle said as she smiled. Draco looked at her furiously before he ran to the back of the bathroom to find Harry.

sorry about the short chapter and cliff hanger

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