XXXIX - dating experts and impending dates

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Very late update cause I am very unmotivated 👍


Harry went back to the common room.

He decided to sit on the comfy, red bean bag that was placed nicely in the room. He wanted to wait for Hermione to finish her classes.

Harry knew he was terrible with dates and being romantic, he hoped she would be of help.

He had no clue what to wear. He had no clue how to act. He just needed someone to help him.

Luckily for him, only a few hours later did Hermione show up.

"Hey, Harry!" Hermione greeted, melting into the yellow bean bag next to Harry.

"Hey, 'Mione. How were your classes?" Harry made conversation.

"They were alright. How are you? What were you doing?" She asked.

"I'm good, I was just stressing about my date with Draco." Harry admitted, Hermione gasped.

"Oh my Merlin! You have a date with him!" Hermione was excited now.

"Yeah, the first." Harry said.

"How sweet!" She squealed.

"I know. I have no clue what to wear, or how to act, or-"

"That's enough talking, Harry." Hermione interrupted, "I can help with all of that, don't worry."

Hermione grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to the boys dormitory.

"Hermione, you know girls aren't allowed in the boys dorms!" Harry whispered.

"Hush, Harry. I do not care." Hermione retaliated.

"Since when did you not care for the rules, miss goody two shoes?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Since I found out you have a stable love life." Hermione answered, smartly. Harry had no comeback.

They reached Harry's dorm and none of the other occupants were present.

"So, Harry. Is this a casual date or a fancy date?" Hermione asked, looking at Harry's closet.

"Draco said we are having a date in the astronomy tower. He is going to set it up." Harry informed.

"How romantic," Hermione teased, "so, let's go fancy."

She reached into the closet and picked out a lovely white shirt with dark blue designs covering it.

"Yes or no on this one?" She questioned.

"I like that shirt, never worn it before." Harry said.

"I will take that as a yes then." Hermione places the shirt on Harry's bed.

Hermione hummed as she searched for a nice pair of jeans to go with the beautiful shirt. She picked out a pair of skin-tight, light blue jeans.

"Thumbs up or thumbs down?"

"Gotta give this one a thumbs down, 'Mione. I don't know what possessed me to but those hideous things." Harry spoke with disgust.

"Alright," Hermione put them back and picked out a pair of slightly darker coloured jeans. They were quite baggy.

"Smash or pass?"

"Smash. Why not. It goes well with the shirt." Harry agreed to it and Hermione chucked them on the bed.

"Do you need a blazer or a tie, maybe?" Hermione asked.

"Probably not a blazer, but a tie." Harry said, Hermione nodded.

She picked out a plain black tie that went nicely with Harry's outfit.

"Try the fit on, Har, I want to see it on you!" In Harry's opinion, Hermione was having way too much fun picking his clothes.

Harry took his clothes to the bathroom and got changed, once he was finished, he left the room and Hermione caught sight of him.

"Oh my word, Har. You look hot in that." Hermione confessed.

"Sorry, I am taken." Harry joked, Hermione slapped him, "ow, that was unnecessary."

"So was your previous comment." Hermione bit, jokingly.

Harry laughed, "anyway, thanks for helping."

"Anytime, Har." Hermione smiled, genuinely.


"I am freaking out!" Draco paced around the Slytherin dorms, Blaise was laughing.

"Calm down, mate. It's just a date." He consoled.

"It's not just a date! It's our first date!" Draco expressed.

"Relax. I'm sure everything will be fine." Blaise spoke, "and if I were gay, I would so try and date you, mr hot guy."

Draco laughed, despite his nerves, "so I look alright?"

"More than."

"Good. I have got to leave now, I need to set up the actual date." Draco said and left the room.

"What has Potter done to you, Drake?" Blaise muttered to himself with a chuckle.

Draco made it to the astronomy tower, he had two hours to spare - which was exactly how long he spent trying to perfect everything for Harry.

The scenery was set up beautifully.

Draco had set fire to vanilla scented candles, and he casted a warming charm around the area.

Across the floor, a blanket - designed with constellations - rested. On top, there was a wide selection of food and an anti-nausea potion (for Harry, of course).

Along the walls, Draco stuck pieces of parchment with motivational and cheesy quotes. He thought they were a nice touch.

Finally, he pre-positioned the telescope to face the star 'Sirius' - also known as the Dog Star - because he knew Harry's godfather's name was Sirius.

It was safe to say that sentiment was the theme of the night.

All Draco had to do now was wait for Harry to show. He was looking forward to it very much.

Nice life you are living, Potter - H.POpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz