XXI - peculiar 'dreams'

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Sorry for the late update :)


The weekend had passed rather slowly in Harry's opinion. It was now Monday and the first day of classes since the Hogwarts students returned.

Harry pulled himself out of bed, he had had a rather strange nightmare that night. It felt different from the nightmares he is used to. Due to the nightmare, he felt quite tired, fatigued even.

He finished getting ready and breakfast had started. He and Hermione walked to the great hall together, leaving Ron by himself. Harry was not really fond of the idea of talking to him.

"So Harry," Hermione began as they sat down at the Gryffindor table, "How was your sleep?" 

Harry prolonged his answer for a while, wondering if he should share his concerns about the nightmare with her, "It was okay. You?" 

"Oh, probably one of the best I have had in a while." She spoke with a smile, putting food on her plate, "Are you not going to eat, Harry?"

"Oh, uh, not feeling my greatest the morning. I feel quite tired." Harry said with a frown, Hermione's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Are you sure you should be going to classes in that case?" She asked, she only then noticed her best friend seemed quite pale.

"Yeah I am fine. I don't really want to miss the first day either." Harry stated. Hermione looked at him warily.

"Alright, if you are certain." She concluded and started eating.

"What do we have first?" Harry changed the topic.

"We have defence with Snape." She uttered in a normal tone. Harry nodded as a 'thank you'.

Hermione finished eating whatever she put herself on her plate and began reading a book. 'Typical' Harry thought.

Harry was left to his thoughts, which was never good, and began to think about the nightmare he had. It was very peculiar. It felt like he was awake during the nightmare, but it didn't at the same time. 

"Harry?" Hermione asked, "Ready to go? Defence starts in precisely seven minutes."

"Oh yeah, lets go." He agreed and quickly rose from his seat, joining Hermione as they left the hall.

"Who do we have DADA with?" Harry questioned.

"I think the Slytherins." Hermione answered. Harry smiled to himself.

They continued to walk, talking about random things to make sure awkward silence was avoided. It was.


Defence Against the Dark Arts class began a few moments ago, as they entered the classroom, they were ordered to partner with a pupil of the opposite house.

Hermione and Pansy paired up, both looking quite flustered, Neville and Blaise both paired, as did Ron and Theodore, and Harry and Draco.

Now, they were all seated next to their partner, waiting for professor Snape to give instructions for the lesson.

"Today you will be duelling with your chosen partner, using spells that are not illegal or that can land anyone in the hospital wing for more than two days. You must use duelling etiquette, which includes bowing to your opponent before you start. If you would avoid hitting anything else in the room other than your opponent it would be much appreciated. You may begin." Snape told in his menacing voice. 

"Know any good spells, Harry?" Draco teased.

"A fair share. You?" Harry said cockily.

"A fair share." Draco spoke with a smirk and they got into position.

They bowed to each other, Harry was painfully reminded of what happened in the graveyard but pushed the thought away.

Their wands were raised at each other, Harry sent the first spell, Draco blocked it with a 'protego'.

Draco sent a stupefy at Harry, but he blocked it using the same shield.

For many more minutes, when all the other pairs had finished their duels, Harry and Draco were still going. Everyone else in the classroom began to watch intently.

Harry sent a jelly-legs jinx at Draco which hit him, he fell to the floor and anger circled his head.

Harry was about to finish the duel with an 'expelliarmus', but before he got the chance, Draco sent a spell his direction.

Harry stumbled back slightly as a white light hit his chest, he was confused, the spell had done nothing but make him fall back slightly. He was not able to hear the incantation either.

Draco was still on the floor, so Harry disarmed him and won the duel. He reversed the jinx he had hit Draco with and helped him stand up.

"Back to your seats." Snape ordered, wondering what curse Harry had been hit with., "Some of the duels I watched were... fascinating, to put it lightly. After spectating Mr. Finnigan and Ms. Greengrass' duel, I am forced to believe you need to be taught some more attacking spells." 

Seamus and Astoria both turned beet-red from embarrassment. 

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter's duel was most intriguing. I suppose you can all agree." He paused, "Finally, I must ask if anyone is injured, not because I care, because you are my responsibility when in this classroom."

Hermione put her hand up.

"Ms. Granger, you are hurt?" He asked.

"Yes, Parkinson sent a modified stinging jinx at me which left burn marks." Hermione responded, Pansy growled.

"Ms. Granger, see yourself to the infirmary, I am sure that will be easy to treat," Hermione left the room.

After a bit more discussing, DADA was over. Everyone left the class to go to their next lesson.


Lessons were finished and Harry felt like shit. After Defence he has been feeling nauseated and more fatigued than before. He decided to ignore it, skip dinner, and go straight to sleep in his dormitory.

He undressed himself and put on his nightwear, getting into bed and falling asleep immediately because of exhaustion. 

Unfortunately, he woke up an hour later, panting heavily. The same 'dream' re-occurring in his head as the previous night. 

It didn't feel like a dream Harry was certain of it. 

Trying to distract himself, Harry abandoned the topic and walked to the bathroom. He splashed water on his face, trying to wash the image of what happened in his dream away. 

When he exited the bathroom, the banging in his head was more prominent, specifically around his scar (which burned to touch).

He felt more exhausted than before but could not physically fall asleep. 

'This is going to be a long night.' he told himself as he lay still in his bed, thinking about what his life has come to.


just to let you readers know, I have purposely not told you what the 'dream' is about <3

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