Chapter 01.

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Jasmine couldn't stop the tears that filled her eyes from cascading down her face as she cried on her bed, she cried and cried, her whole body shuddered as she cried, she had been planning her future for the past eight years with the man of her dreams, not until she was introduced to her cousin brother to marry. She was seeing it as a nightmare, she was getting married in four days time, she was wondering how her parents decided to make the cruel decision, ruin her life and destroy her happiness, how could Muslim ever try doing such? Why didn't he talk to her first? After all, they were not in good terms, not that they fight but they hardly talked to each other, even at family functions or meetings.

"You're getting married to Muslim on Friday and that's final!!!" Daddy's words rang in her head as she woke up in fright, she didn't even know when she dozed off, she looked at the clock and saw that it was time for Zuhr prayer, she took her bath, performed ablution and prayed, she said duas for her, her family, and other things.

She was about laying down when she felt pains in her chest down to her stomach, which indicated that her stomach was ulcerated, she didn't eat anything that day, so she gently went downstairs and tiptoed to the kitchen, she found some toasted bread with nutella on the breakfast bar so she made tea and quietly went up again. She went inside and ate to her satisfaction.

She was looking at the ceiling, thinking about everything and nothing with warm tears rolling down the side of her face when the door of the room swung open. "Salamu alaykum sister." Sa'eeda, Jasmine's sister said and peeped in, she came in and closed the door gently. She walked and sat on the bed, beside Jasmine.

"Sister." She called.

"Sa'eeda." She let out a deep breath and sat upright, wiping her tears.

"Sister don't cry, this is a battle you have to fight, I know you so much love Sadeeq but there's nothing you can do, daddy has said it already, not even mummy has the power to change it, just accept it as your destiny. Khairan in shaa Allah." She placed her hand on Jasmine's shoulder.

"How can this be khair Sa'eeda?" More tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Uh uh, istaghfirillah (say istighfaar). Remember, you're are to believe in fate, good or bad. Mummy loves you, daddy loves you, they won't ever lead you to anything that would cause harm to you intentionally." She said with thick emotions in her voice.

"How sure are you? You know how I've been planning to be with Sadeeq, I met him when I was 16, we were in a relationship with each other since then till now, since when no one in the family knows about him, since when I was young, I grew up with the picture of him in my heart, with the thought of being with him from now till no end. And now, just all of a sudden, he is no longer going to be mine." Jasmine sobbed as she said.

"Sister, thank Allah in whichever situation you find yourself, just believe that Muslim is the right man for you and keep Sadeeq aside, qadr separated the two of you because you are never meant to be together, and if you are then no power in this entire universe can stop the two of you from being together. Just take heart sister." Sa'eeda was using her thumb to wipe the tears on Jasmine's cheeks as she talked, irrespective of that, the tears were still coming.

"I know but I've planned everything... like what's remains is just getting married when the fixed date comes then Muslim...Muslim why?? Oh my God." She sobbed as she talked. "Innalillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un, alhamdulillahi ala kulli haalin. ya Allah." She Added.

"Good girl. This is what you should do." Sa'eeda said and smiled. Jasmine tried and forced a smile.

"But what am I going to tell Sadeeq if he calls? How do I explain to him? How will he feel? I don't even know the right words to..." She was saying but the ringtone of her phone stopped her, making her heart skip a beat. She picked up the phone from her vanity table and checked on the caller ID and 'Mine' was dancing on the screen. She hesitantly answered the and placed the phone to her left ear.

YOURS TRULY, JASMINEWhere stories live. Discover now