Chapter 04.

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"There's going to be war then"


"Maa. I'm back" Sadeeq yelped from the parlor. A beautiful woman came out of the kitchen smiling.

"You're early today." she said as she sat down.

"Yeah Maa, I have to go to work."

"So how's the therapy. You enjoying? Any progress?" She asked her son.

He sighed and said, "I don't know Maa, but it's nice"

She nodded in satisfaction. "Lemme go get your breakfast."

Since that Monday when Sadeeq came back from Jasmine's home and narrated everything to his mum, she suggested he see a therapist because he told her that he sometimes feel the sudden urge to kill himself, he wanted to cut his jugular vein. And so it happened, he's been seeing the therapist for the past three day and his mom could see the progress in just three days which made her happy.

He enjoyed his Maa's food and left for work. As he entered the office, he took his phone and turned off the airplane mode and a call came through, it was his Maa.

"Son, when you're coming back you please stop by the exclusive women palace and pick Mina up. When are you coming back." He voiced said through the phone.

"Very soon, there's nothing much to do. Maybe in four hours time." He said.

"That's fine. But you call her before you leave office. She's going to do many things which will take time. I don't know though speak with her."

"Okay Maa. Take care" he said and hung up.
He went through his contact list and typed "MIN.." before he finished about three contact showed up. The first one was "Mina" while the second was "Mine", Jasmine's contact. For a moment he felt he was missing her and wanted to hear her voice but his mind reminded him that she was married, another person's possession He still didn't know how he ended up dailing her contact and it immediately went through.


Hearing her phone vibrate, she opened her eyes and hissed, she didn't care to check who called, she wasn't in the mood to answer any call so she pressed the silent button and plopped back in her duvet, she was enjoying the warmth of her bed and duvet and didn't want to leave it so soon to face the cold morning.


"No answer?" Sadeeq said to himself.

"Maybe she's with him, maybe they are having a good time, is she living our unfulfilled dreams with him?" He thought in his head.

"Heck no!" He said.

"But why are you even jealous? She's already married dude." His brain spoke.

"She is but I still love her and I don't want to stop. I want to be with her." His heart replied.

Brain: Don't deceive yourself. You're going for therapy because you want to forget her. Innit?

Heart: Nope. I want to learn how to bear the pain while I continue to happily live my life.

Brain: Hold it please, I don't want to hear this nonsense. Call Mina.

With that, he brushed off the thought and dailed Mina's number.

"Habu." She called through the line, he could hear noises in the background.

"Mina." he sighed and ignored the way she called his name. "Maa told me I should pick you up on my way home. Where's your car?"

"It's at home. I came with Safiyya but she had to go on an urgent errand, her mom called her." She answered. He could sense the joy in her voice.
(Safiyya was their neighbor and also Mina's best friend).

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