Chapter 31

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...She made up her mind to show gratitude to Allah by loving and treating Humayd as though she birthed him. Well, a part of her did.

"Good morning mother of two." Jasmine heard Ummulkhayr's annoying voice which made her roll her eyes, muttering incoherent words.

"This is so exciting. Congratulations I'm really happy for you." You could tell from her smile and the thrill in her voice that she was really happy. Jasmine just wanted her out of her way and life entirely but the lady was being persistent.

"Thank you." Jasmine smiled as she turned from the refrigerator. "I was just making breakfast. Would you want some?"

"Yeah sure, although I just ate."

Jasmine took two plates of the waffles she made and took it to the dinning table.

"Tea or coffee?" She asked Ummulkhayr.


"Here." Jasmine handed her a cup of coffee across the table. Then went to call Humayd to come for breakfast.

"My mom use to do this for me a lot." He smiled, a broad smile at the sight of waffles. "But she add honey for me on it."

"I'll add honey for you too." She smiled at the little boy and got up to go to the kitchen.

She poured a considerable amount of honey on Humayd's waffles then ate their breakfasts with Humayd throwing questions here and there. Sometimes, she regretted telling him about his mother never coming back but then, it was better than giving him false hopes.

Sa'eeda's trousseau was going to be brought the next morning. She was finally getting married to her long distance fiancé. Jasmine wondered how they did it through the distance and seven-hour time difference but nonetheless, all of it was almost over.

They relationship made Sa'eeda go through a rollercoaster of emotions. As she told Jasmine the day they were engaged, "it has been one hell of a ride but alhamdulillah it's almost over. I can't be any happier to be very honest."

Jasmine had plans of going to salon not until she was told she needed to be at her parents' for the little event. So she had to do it all today then go home in the evening do whatever the following morning and return back to her house in the evening.

She remembered Muslim's words when they talked about her going to accept Sa'eeda's trousseau from her fiancé's family.

"You can leave Humayd with Ummulkhayr."

"No I don't trust her enough." Jasmine quickly replied.

"And why is that?"

"I just don't. She seems two-faced." Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"Please, reduce your negativity about Ummulkhayr, she's trying to be good to you. Enjoy this while it lasts." Muslim's voice was so low in order not to piss his angry bird.

"Yeah yeah I heard that." She waved her hand dismissively as she folded Aayan's clothes.

Muslim inhaled and exhaled deeply then went to the plastic chair Jasmine sat on. He took her hands in his and squeeze lightly.

"You've changed. You're not that carefree and jovial Jasmine I knew, you're not the affectionate and loving Jasmine a I knew, it hurts deeply to get this treatment from you. There is something I've been wanting to tell you but you might not want to believe me. But it's fine, God knows and sees what is in my heart, I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted to harm you, I never wanted to betray you. I swear I wouldn't have married—" he stopped and shut his eyes, swallowing a painful lump in his throat and she realised what he was about to say.

YOURS TRULY, JASMINEWhere stories live. Discover now