Chapter 35

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...Everyone just met everyone. Wow

"My sweet sweet grandson." Fatima said with a smile as she collected Aayan from his father.

"Your sweet sweet daughter in-law." Jasmine hugged Fatima.

"Yes my sweet sweet daughter." Fatima twinged Jasmine's cheek.

"Aw, that hurts." She feigned.

"Your bitter bitter son." Muslim made a face as they turned to look at him.

"You're too big, Aayan has replaced you."

"We'll give birth to a girl next, so she replaces Jay." Muslim gave his wife a sardonic smile.

"See Hajiya, he's so shameless. Please, take this innocent baby and leave this grown up."

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." She giggled as she offered them seats, "sit down all of you."

"You didn't tell me you were coming, I would've kept something for you, maybe a snack or something." Fatima said, smiling.

"Oh it's nothing." Jasmine dismissed.

"Where's Humayd? Or he isn't back yet."

"Yes we'll go pick him now, the—" Aisha interrupted Muslim.

"As-Salaamu alaykum."

The three adults in the room answered.

"Good evening." She nervously looked at Jasmine as she directed her greetings to the both of them seated on the same couch.

"Evening, Aisha. How's work?" Muslim replied.

"Fine." Aisha all the while had her attention on Jasmine to study her reaction, who only turned her face away to her mother-in-law.

"You look pretty today." Muslim commented, "what's the occasion?" He wiggled his brows, "who came?"

"Your in-law." She whispered but everyone heard her and she knew it. She just decided to be confident.

"My in-law?" He turned to face her, intrigued. "When are you bringing him to me?"

"To do what?"

"To see your elder brother and his wife." He looked at Jasmine. Clear, he didn't see who came.

"You mean, wives?" Aisha corrected to do away with the other topic.

"Yes. When are you bringing him? You know that he needs to see me before seeing uncle Usman, right?"

"You're just keen but he has to see the elders first. I promise to bring him but not soon."

"Come on, Aisha—"

"Oh baby Aayan." She went and collected her nephew from her mother-his grandmother. "It's been a while since I saw him." She excitedly twirled around with him and disappeared into the house with her hamper.

"We're not staying for long so you bring him back." Muslim yelled and Aisha yelled back an 'okay'.

"Jasmine is travelling to Mykonos in less than week and she insisted I bring her to see you, she wouldn't let me rest." He glared at her.

Fatima giggled, "I know why." She stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Here." She kept a basket that contained food flasks in front of Jasmine. "And the recipe," she handed her a paper.

"Oh you're the sweetest mother-in-law ever." Jasmine squeezed her into a hug.

"No I don't understand." Muslim eyed them, "you mean I'm excluded in this?"

YOURS TRULY, JASMINEWhere stories live. Discover now