Chapter 14

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..they finished their businesses and went to Fatima's house.

Fatima playfully scolded her daughter-in-law ere the little chitchats the girls and the elderly woman had with the girls shooting questions at Jasmine just to get her confess.

"Sister, you look kinda beautiful and fresh, as in you're glowing. Tell me the secret, which skin care plug?" Sa'eeda asked with a smirk.

"Pregnancy skin care plug." Aisha whispered to Sa'eeda and they both stifled a laughter. "Yes tell us sister." She said aloud and batted her eyelashes.

"You girls ask too much questions. She's just enjoying her marriage. Right daughter?" Fatima directed her last part to Jasmine and cocked a brow to who only smiled creepily in response.

"Hajiya, are you also supporting them?" Jasmine feigned hurt. "I wonder where I look fresh. The dark spots are still present."

"They added beauty to your face to be honest, especially now that they are slightly fading. Looking a little darker than your actual tone." Fatima voiced. Jasmine whined.

"I'm really happy for aunty Aidah. I can't wait for Jasmine's baby." Aisha shrilled and squished Sa'eeda into a hug and Fatima shot her a glare.

"Stop expecting anything anytime soon. After dwelling in happiness for aunty Aidah's baby for over a year, maybe that's when you'll expect one from me." Jasmine shamelessly said in front of her mother-in-law who has been friendly towards her even before her marriage with her son. She'd calculated that before that 'over a year' comes, she had parted her ways with Muslim in the name of divorce which she's going to make happen in less that a month or two. And that her family should be able to forgive her and get her married to Sadeeq in maximum of six months and she'll finally live in peace and neverending happiness, or so, she thought and sighed.

"Your mood just dropped. Hope we're safe." Aisha being the student nurse said. She knew it was mood swings.

Jasmine hissed and rolled her eyes. She also didn't know what just happened, she was feeling the urge to hit someone hard. She didn't even read the guidelines given to her at the hospital, neither did Muslim do.

"Sister? What just happened, are you fine?" Sa'eeda asked with great concern.

"You're talking too much and I don't like it. So stupid of you!" Jasmine howled and walked out of the living room, heading to Aisha's room.

"Don't." Fatima stopped Sa'eeda when she tried to follow her. "Leave her, it's natural."

"Natural? How?" Sa'eeda looked confused and Fatima chuckled while Aisha let out a shrill ghoulish laugh.

"What?" Sa'eeda eyed Aisha.

"Almost forgot that you're a Quantity Surveyor and you have nothing to do with human body. Look how worried you look already." Aisha said as he laughed died down slowly.

"Stop making fun of her and explain to her. One day, it'll be her turn to laugh at you for not knowing something." Fatima voiced and left the girls to the backyard to meet Muslim. Where he sits and relax his mind looking at nature and enjoying the cool breeze there that blows away his reverie and transform them into pleasant daydreams. She wonders what he would do without gardens!

She sensed that something was up since when he just greeted her and told her he'd be at the backyard.

"Something is wrong. Tell me." Fatima demanded in a serious tone after sitting beside her son who seemed to have not noticed her before she spoke.

"Hajiya. When did you come here?" He asked nervously.

"You were too busy with your thoughts to even notice that I came. I thought you're all happy but you being here proved otherwise." She voiced through the air without sparing him a glance while he was looking at her side view, wondering how she could read him like an open book, sometimes even more than he himself can. "You should be happy that your wife is expecting a baby. I noticed since yesterday how you looked when you came in from the doctor's office, don't you want the baby?" She asked in that motherly soothing voice. He wasn't surprised how she found out, he knew Jasmine wasn't the one to tell her though.

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