Chapter 06.

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...when she was deep in Dreamland, he slipped from her grip and left the room..

The day passed and Jasmine didn't meet Muslim since that morning, she didn't even cook, Nana cooked and took it to her room, leaving Muslim's on the dining table. It was night, she was feeling the urge to be out of her room, not sure of what she was going to do or where she was going to.

She met Muslim at the parlor and he informed her about the therapy and what the doctor said about that. He gave her series of advice as per her father before they retired to bed.

The next day, Jasmine and Muslim got ready to go to the hospital for the therapy. Jasmine was behind the wheels, that was her first time driving the car her father gave her as a wedding gift. They talked that he would take them home after she was done.

They pulled over at the parking lot and went to see doctor Aali, he asked about Jasmine's health and lead them to the room. Jasmine alone entered and when she saw it was a woman, she heaved a sigh of relief. If it was a man, she didn't know how to stay with him till the others come. She greeted the elegantly dressed woman with her coat on her dress to which she answered with a warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs Jasmine." Dr Layla  smiled, "have a seat." She motioned and Jasmine went to sit.

"Dr Aali explained everything to me. I couldn't help but keep wondering. You're married right?" Layla asked and Jasmine nodded and said, "8 days."

"Have you ever had trauma before you got married?" Dr Layla asked professionally. She knew from experience that some victims find it hard to say their problems, from the way Jasmine was replying curtly, definitely she bottles emotions.


"When did it start?"

"4 days before my wedding." Jasmine finally spoke a sentence. She loved how the woman was questioning bit by bit. She didn't want when someone would ask the whole story at once.

"Were you forced into it?"


"So you have someone you love, that means. Tell me about it but first calm down, take me as a friend." Layla, who looked older than Jasmine said in a calm voice.

"The relationship has been there since 8 years. Both families are aware of the relationship. But what? My parents got me married to my cousin, they didn't actually force me and I also didn't refuse." Jasmine was starting to be free with Layla. She quickly wiped a lone tear before it fell from her eyes but Layla saw it. She only smiled and said,

"Who do you believe in?" Layla asked.

"I don't understand."

"I mean your religion."

"Oh. I'm a muslima. The way I'm dressed says it." Jasmine said, confused.

"Jasmine, have faith in Allah, He listens, put it at the back of your mind that he is with you in every situation. I asked because your name doesn't sound African, and also there are a lot of non muslims who dress like you do. I was just trying to confirm though." Dr said. Like you know the joy, I've succeeded in getting my patient's attention.

"Yeah true. My name is an Arabic name meaning ‘A Flower’."

"Oh that's beautiful. So are you here willingly or you're also forced?." Layla asked, so as to know how she'll go about it.

"None. I was just informed an brought here this morning. I'm not having a bad feeling about it. I'm okay with it."

"That's good." Layla smiled and just then two people sauntered in, a lady and a man

YOURS TRULY, JASMINEWhere stories live. Discover now