Chapter 22

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...they found it as a very good news which added to their already elated and exhilarated moods...

Muslim offered to drive his wife back to the hospital but she opposed giving exhaustion as a point, she said she had forgiven him and she was following him home that very day, he was over the moon.

Well, her family chivvied her into going back after plaguing her with questions.

Stepping into the dimly lit dark green and golden living room, it was almost Maghrib. She realised she had missed her home so much, she missed every single thing about her home.

A weak smile played on her lips as she tailed behind Muslim who turned on the lights and the air conditioning.

"Come." He had said to her and she followed him to her room which was very clean, just that the sheet slightly wrinkled on the bed and Muslim's scent was all over. She inhaled deeply.

She'd missed his scent, his voice his care, his smile, his touch, his l...

"Go in and shower. And stop checking me out." He said.


She nodded and smiled ghostly, but it did nothing to hide her crimson cheeks. He walked out of the room and she changed into a towel that smelled like him and had the most relaxing bath ever in the cubicle.

Everything smelled like him. Could it be that he had been in her room? Jasmine wondered.

She showered and blew dry her hair, making a mental note to straighten it the next time she goes to a salon.

She sat on the ottoman in front of the mirror and moisturised herself from head to toe. She sprayed the perfume that caught her eyes on the dressing table. Oh this is it, his smell. She prevented herself from reading the name on the bottle for some odd reasons she chose to keep to herself.

"I hate searching for what to wear." She huffed as she stood up. Her eyes caught a raiment on the bed. It was a Prussian blue sweatpants and shirt, her undergarments were on top.

Jasmine smiled at her husband's thoughtful act and wore the clothes. The clothes smelled like him.

Okay, this was driving her crazy. Why did everything smell like him, reminding her of the tender moments? She shivered at that thought.

Jasmine sat on the bed, contemplating on whether or not to go out and meet her husband, but then, she got nothing to say to him so she just sat and picked up her phone. She saw that she'd missed numerous call from Hafsat and one from Dr Layla. She totally forgot she was to see Layla for a private therapy.

She ignored the tons of messages from Hafsat and called her instead. "Maman Humayd." Jasmine said with a smile.

"You scared me, where have you been? Is everything okay?" Hafsat did through the line.

"Calm down, everything is almost okay." Jasmine voiced.

"You sure?" Hafsat sounded solicitous.

"Yes. I'll come over and bring your car tomorrow, I'll then tell you everything." Jasmine voiced as she folded her legs on the bed. "How's Humayd and Asma?" She inquired.

"They're fine, Asma is sleeping and Humayd is watching cartoon."

"Asma sleeping at this hour? Well, you both are going to stay up all night then." Jasmine chuckled.

"It's no problem, she was very active during the day, she didn't sleep at all and she woke up very early." Hafsat explained as Jasmine heard muffled sounds through the line.

YOURS TRULY, JASMINEWhere stories live. Discover now