The Leaky Cauldron

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My shoulders were hunched as I walked through London. Hazel and Percy kept a few feet back, wary of my mood. We all looked to be thirteen. It ticked me off that Will couldn't be here. I think Percy and Hazel felt the same about Annabeth and Frank.

"Nico." Percy said. "You missed the pub." I turned and saw that he was right, him and Hazel stood a few feet back. I sighed and moved over to them.

"Why?" I asked. "Why us? Why now? Why him?" I knew about Harry Potter. The boy who lived. Who should be dead. I also knew about the ghosts that stayed at Hogwarts when they should be in the Underworld.

"We're the most qualified." Hazel said. "All of us have abilities to help and we won't stand out."

"Easy for you to say." I mumbled as I followed them inside. Percy walked up to the bar and got two rooms, one single one double. He slid the galleons across the table to the innkeeper and took two keys back.

"Me and Nico share room 3 Hazel you have room 4." He passed one of the keys to Hazel. We headed upstairs and found our rooms. Hecate had put trunks in them already, filled with everything we need this year plus nectar and ambrosia. Percy found a note on his that told us Professor Dumbledore, McGonagle, Snape and Madam Pomfrey knew about us.

Let me explain a bit. Percy, Hazel and I were sent on a quest by Hecate to protect Harry Potter from a dark wizard. We were aged down to thirteen and put in the same year as him, third, in a school called Hogwarts. Hogwarts is in Britain, resulting in us being teleported here, given a pouch with a infinite amount of wizarding money and sent on our way with directions to a pub we would stay in till start of term. We knew everything we would learn so that we could focus on protecting Harry instead of our studies, but still would have to deal with school.

Anyways. Now I was stuck in London. In a pub with my cousin and half sister. That part wasn't that bad, Percy and Hazel were great, but I was away from Will.

"Nico!" A pillow hit me in the face. I looked up. Hazel had thrown it. "We've been trying to get your attention for five minutes."

"Sorry." I said. "Zoned out."

"Harry arrived. The minister of magic took him away. We're waiting to see what happens tomorrow." Percy said. "Sirius Black is supposedly after him." I frowned slightly. Sirius Black? "Bad wizard, mass murderer, works for Voldemort." Percy summed up. Oh. I nodded.


When I woke up the next day I yanked the covers over my head. Percy had pulled back the blinds, showering the room in sunlight.

"Get up death breath." He shoved my feet off the bed. I quickly pulled them back under my covers. "Hazel met a girl named Hermione and is talking to her downstairs." I shot up, looking at Percy like he was crazy.

"You left her alone!?" I exclaimed. Percy shrugged. "Idiota! What if that girl does something!? What if she's working for Voldemort!?"

"Nico it's a girl that's thirteen. And Hazel can defend herself."

Percy watched in amusement as I yanked on black ripped skinny jeans, my skull t-shirt and aviator jacket. I hopped on one foot as I did up my combat boot, left then right. I heard Percy snort as I ran out the door, almost falling on my face. I combed my hand through my long hair.

I jumped the last three stairs and landed gracefully, walking as if nothing happened. Hazel was sitting at a table with a girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes. I walked over and sat beside Hazel. The girl looked at me in confusion for a moment before sizing me up.

"Hermione this is my brother, Nico." Hazel introduced.

"Brother? You guys look nothing alike." The girl, Hermione said. Surprise was clear in her voice.

"Half brother." I corrected. "Who are you?"

"Hermione Granger." The girl said just as Percy sat down on my other side.

"And I'm Percy Jackson." He said grinning. "Gotta say Nico, watching you almost fall on your face was the highlight of my morning." I elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow!"

"Stuff it fish brains." I muttered. Percy sent me a fake glare.

"Well it's nice to meet you but I should be going. The Weasleys will be here any-" Hermione was cut off by the door opening a someone running over to her.

"Hermione!" A red haired boy yelled. Freckles were dusted over his cheeks and nose. The boy gave the girl a hug, pulling back with a huge grin. "How was summer?"

"It was good. Guys, this is Ron Weasley. Ron this is Hazel, Percy and Nico." Ron looked at us suspiciously.

"Hey." Percy said.

"Are you coming to Hogwarts this year?" Ron asked.

"Yes, we came from America. Exchange students." Hazel answered.

"So Ilvermorney?" Hermione asked.

"No, Camp Olympia. It's very small for a wizarding school." Hazel answered the question before Percy or I could.

"Cool." Ron said. He still looked suspicious of us. "What house do you think you'll be in?"

"Uh..." Percy said. "House?"

"Yeah. Gryffindore, Hufflepuff, Ravenxlaw and Slytherin." Hermione told us. Oh. Them. Yeah.

"Well Hazel is definitely Hufflepuff." Percy answered immediately. "And Nico's Slytherin." Ron's nose wrinkled.

"Your a Gryffindor." I said. "No doubt."

"Aw thanks zombie." Percy ruffled my hair but I batted his hand away.

"Go find a fish." I muttered. Percy's eyes lit up.

"I want a fish!" He announced. "It will be my Hogwarts pet!" I groaned and covered my face with my hands. Hazel giggled.

"Percy." I sighed. "You are ridiculous." Percy jumped up and ran out the door. "Why did we trust him with the money?" I asked Hazel.

"I have no idea." Hazel answered. Percy walked back in a few moments later rubbing his head.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I ran into the wall." He muttered, sitting down.

"You're welcome to join us when we get our school supplies." Hermione offered. "You can get a fish then."

"Great." I mumbled. "More people."


Diagonal Alley wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We got ice cream. Percy got a fish he named Nemo. Hazel got a tiny silver tawney owl she named Star. I got a small black kitten I named Bianca. It was our first time meeting Harry Potter.

Word Count: 1095

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