The Hogwarts Express

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I was woken up by the covers of my bed being yanked away from me. I groaned and turned on my stomach, burying my face in the pillow.

"Get up!" Hazel's voice was loud, commanding, and honestly quite scary. "Both of you! It's eight and you both need to shower and pack before we leave!" I tried to roll over again and fell onto the floor.

"Nice one." Nico said. I glared at the grinning son of Hades and hauled myself to my feet. He grabbed clothes and left to shower.

It was nine by the time Nico, Hazel and I were fully ready. We headed downstairs with our trunks and the back packs we had packed to keep with us on the train. We all had ambrosia, nectar and in Nico's case, unicorn draught. There was also a spare change of clothes, food, water, mortal money, drachmas, the bag of never ending wizard money, some spare weapons, glass prisms, rope and matches or a lighter.

"We need to get going." Hazel told us, pulling Nico and I towards a dark, empty corner of the pub. "Platform 9 3/4. Alright?"

Nico grabbed both of our arms and Hazel and I made sure we were touching our three trunks. There was a moment of nothing and then we were sucked into the shadows. The cold gripped my body as we moved at high speeds. It all faded as voices reached my ears. I opened my eyes to see a scarlet steam engine and many wizards and witches.

"Wow..." Hazel breathed. "There's so much magic." I nodded. I wasn't blessed by Hecate like Hazel but I could still feel the magic in the air.

"C'mon." Nico said, glaring at at a younger boy who happened to stumbled in front of us. The kid scurried away.

We grabbed our trunks and got on the train.

It took a few minutes to find a compartment that wasn't full or almost full. It was near the back, completely empty besides an older man that was asleep. Hazel and Nico shared a look, both frowning.

"What is it?" I asked as we stepped in the compartment and closed the door. Our trunks had disappeared as we got on, leaving us with just our back packs. We sat down on the bench across from the guy.

"His soul." Nico answered quietly after deciding this man was actually asleep. "It's... odd."

"I don't know how to explain it." Hazel said. "Professor R.J. Lupin." I looked at her confusion. "It's his name." Hazel pointed up at the trunk in the bag rack. I hadn't noticed it before, since I had stuck our bags on the other rack above us.

His trunk was old and falling apart, with strings keeping it closed. It made sense since his robes were shabby and quite old as well.

"Er excuse me." I looked up at the door. Hermione, Ron and Harry were standing there looking awkward. "Can we sit with you? Every where else is full..."

"Of course!" Hazel said. "Just, mind the sleeping teacher." Hermione smiled as she slipped in with the two boys, taking the three of four empty seats across from us.

"Excited for Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"Learning the magic you teach here? Yeah. Having to go to school and wake up early? Not at all." I replied, watching an orange cat with a squished face sit in the empty seat beside Harry. "How long is the train ride?"

"Seven or so hours." Hermione said. "We haven't timed it yet." We shared uneasy glances. ADHD and a seven hour train ride? Definitely not going to work out well. "What's wrong?"

"Well we have ADHD... and sitting on a train for seven hours does not mix well with that." Hazel said.

"Oh. I see. Well it shouldn't be too bad." Hermione said. "We'll just have to figure something out."

Ten minutes later and I was laying on the floor starring at the ceiling. Nico was tapping his foot and Hazel had pulled a book I didn't know she packed out of her bag to read.

It was one when the the women with the cart of candy appeared and when it started to rain.


When the women with the cart of candy opened the door Percy got up so fast I thought he might have gotten whiplash. Between Harry and Percy, I wasn't sure that we could eat all the candy they got without getting sick and/or puking.

"Should we wake him?" Asked Ron before the lady left.

"He'll be fine deary. If he's hungry when he wakes he knows where to find me." The door closed and the lady left. Ron shrugged and shoved something called a cauldron cake in his mouth.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded. "Have some manners."

"Swourry Maiona" Ron said around the cauldron cake. I managed to figure out what Ron meant, that being 'sorry Mione'. The girl mentioned had face palmed.

"What are these?" Asked Percy, holding up a small box.

"Chocolate frogs." Harry said. "They aren't real frogs, just magic making them jump." Percy opened the cardboard box and grabbed the frog that tried to jump away.

"Sure looks real." He mumbled before shoving it in his mouth. His eyes widened as he looked at the box and he made a 'mmm!' Sound. Percy quickly swallowed. "Dam!" Nico snorted.

"Dam right." He said, a smile gracing his lips. It was nice to see him smile. It was more usual now that he had Will, but with him being away from him I didn't expect him to smile much.

"It's a dam cool card." Percy replied.

"Gods guys." I groaned. "Stop with the inside joke!"

A few hours later and we had some how manage to eat the majority of the candy. I noticed the three boys before the others. They had just reached our carriage and the blonde was reaching for the handle. The door slid open and the others looked up.

"Well look who it is. Potty and the weasle." The pale blonde kid sneered. He reminded me of Octavian. Clearly Percy and Nico were having the same thought judging by their faces. "Heard your father got his hands on some good this summer Weasley. Did your mother die of shock?" Ron stood up.

"Who're you?" Asked Percy, sounding annoyed. The three across from us shared a look. The boy looked over at three of us. Nico glowered at him and he swallowed.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. And you are?" The kid responded. I wanted to punch him. Definitely.

"Transfer students from America." Nico said, not giving much away. Malfoy glanced back at his two friends.

"What's your blood?" He demanded.

"Half-blood." I said. "All of us."

"Could be worse. Always you aren't a mudblood like Granger." Ron, who had just sat down, clenched his fists. Harry glared at Malfoy and Hermione looked at the ground. I saw Percy tense from where he was sitting across from Professor Lupin. Nico glared at Malfoy with a increasing amount of loathing. "Be careful who you trust, who you're friends with. Blood traitors and mudbloods like these three are not a good choice."

"You know what Malfoy-" Percy was cut off by a snort from Professor Lupin. Malfoy's head snapped over to him.

"Who's that?" He demanded.

"New teacher." Harry answered, sounding smug. Malfoy scowled and left. Apparently he wouldn't risk getting in trouble.

The rain that had started around one continued to beat down with renewed vigour, obscuring the view of the country side. It slowly grew darker until lanterns flickered to life, casting a warm glow in the compartment and the hallway. The wind blew, the rain pounded down and the train rumbled on. But Professor Lupin did not wake up.

Word Count: 1300

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