A Feast

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I looked at Percy worriedly as we got off the train. He was paler then usual, but otherwise seemed fine. Hermione, Ron and Harry led us to some carriages, pulled by huge, black winged horses. They were skeletal, and looked dead.

'Master! Master!' The voice of the horses echoed in my mind and I stumbled backwards, into Percy who was also starring at the horses. Hazel was looking at them wide eyed.

"What are you?" I whispered.

'Thestrals.' Said- neighed? One of the horses. 'Poseidon and Hades collaborated on us! Only those who have seen death can see us.'

I shared a look with Hazel and Percy before we got into the carriage. Our bags had been taken with the trunks to be looked through.

The carriages took off as soon as the door closed. We approached iron gates that opened immediately, letting us through. The castle came into view and Hazel let in a sharp breath at the sight of it. If Annabeth she would be rambling about the architecture.

When we finally got to the castle we all rushed inside, fraying to get away from the onslaught of the rain. Inside it was warmer, and Percy decided to not be an ass and dried Hazel and I off. A women in green robes came out of the hall. I recognized her as Professor McGonagle.

"Everyone please go sit at your house tables." She instructed. Hazel pulled us aside as the students all headed into the Great Hall. "You three, you'll be sorted after the first years. You come in after them." I nodded.

We watched the doors open again and a huge man lead a bunch of eleven year olds in. He went into the hall before McGonagle led in the kids.

"Hey Nico." Percy said. "They're your height." I stomped on his foot. "Hey!"

"Don't be an ass." I muttered. "Come on." We edged closer to the doors to hear the sorting. It went in alphabetical order. Soon Zarcharay, Liam was sorted into Hufflepuff.

"Now, before I give my speech and you have dinner, we must greet, welcome and sort three more students. They are in their third year and transfer students from America."

The doors opened and we walked inside. Whispers erupted from the four tables. As if in instinct, we walked towards the hat that McGonagle was holding.

"Di Angelo, Nico." She called.

I took a breath, taking my hands out of my aviator jacket before walking up and sitting on the stool. The hat was placed on my head.

'A Di Angelo.' Said a voice in my head. I jumped. 'Oh don't worry demigod, I am speaking in your head. Now, to sort you...' suddenly I was thrust back into my memories. 'Oh my. Tartarus eh? How are you still sane? That place...' the hat seemed to sigh. 'You would be good in Slytherin, that is where your ancestors were. However Gryffindore would also help you out. Judging by your quest... Slytheirn would benefit it.'

Slytherin? I thought. Like ambitious and that?

'Precisely ambitious, cunning, cleverness, resourcefulness. It would be a good fit. Gryffindore... brave, courage, determination. No, I don't think so. You may be brave but it does not fit. I think it goes best...'

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted. McGonagle pulled it off my head and I went to the Slytherin table.

"Jackson, Perseus." McGonagle said.

"Just Percy." Percy said as he sat on the stool. The hat was put on his head.


'I see, I see. Ah yes. That is quite peculiar...' I blinked multiple times. It was clear the hat was speaking in my mind.

What's peculiar? I asked.

'Your heritage. I would have never thought that him of all people had a child... let alone a squib...' uh... what? 'Voldemort? Really? Wow...'

Wait what!?! My eyes widened. I was related to-to him?

'Yes, yes. It appears that he is your grandfather. Your grandmother was a witch that went to Hogwarts around the same time, a Slytherin, she was. You clearly are not one. Hufflepuff perhaps? Your fatal flaw is loyalty... ah Gryffindore though... bravery, courage, chivaraly, determination... yes, yes.'

"GRYFFINDORE!" I stood up as McGonagle took the hat off my head. How was Voldemort my grandfather? In a haze, I headed to the Gryffindore table, barely hearing Hazel being called up.


"Levesque, Hazel!" McGonagle called. I headed up to the stool. The hat was put on my head.

'Oh I see. Another one from the past. Mmm... Roman are you? Blessed by Hecate... that's odd.'

Get on with it I told the hat.

'Very well Hazel Levesque. Not a Slytherin, not at all. You would do well in Gryffindore... Ravenclaw is not a bad choice either. Ah, but the loyalty and hard working attitude... definitely a Hufflepuff.'

"HUFFLEPUFF!" Well that took half as long as Nico and Percy's. I headed over to the table. It sucked that we were split up but if it worked, it worked. 


I sat down between Fred Weasley and Harry. Hazel was put in Hufflepuff, which was no surprise. McGonagle suddenly appeared behind us.

"Potter, Jackson, a word in my office please." I frowned slightly, thinking I couldn't have messed up already, before following her out of the hall.

Ethel school was like a maze. Eventually we came to an office. Harry and I sat in two chairs in front of McGonagles desk. Moments later and another women bustled in. She started rambling about dementors as she checked us over, Harry answering any questions she asked. I nodded along mutely.

"Fine then." McGonagle sighed. "Get back to the feast you two." I followed Harry back, careful not to lose track of him in case I got lost.

I will admit, the food was amazing. Very delicious. When the feats was finished we headed to the Gryffindor common room. I mapped out the way in my head. I know, I know, you must be thinking 'Percy being repository and smart! What is this!?!' I'm not stupid you know.

That night I fell asleep and prayed I wouldn't have any dreams.

Word Count: 1019

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