Gods Incoming

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I woke up in a cold sweat. Judging by the silence of my dorm room I mustn't have made any noise, otherwise the others would have awoken and started talking.

Looking around the room once I stood up and quietly made my way to the bathroom. I flicked on this light after shutting and locking the door behind me, and pressed the heels of my palms into my eyes.

I'm fine. I'm not there anymore. I'm out, on a quest with Percy and Hazel. I looked into the mirror and cringed slightly at my appearance. My hair was incredibly messy, and the circles under my eyes had seemed to get darker. The light made me look paler then I was. Suffice to say, I looked like a ghost. I sighed.

I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep, at least not for an hour or two. So, after checking the watch that Will insisted I wore ("But Nico, it's a gift, be nice and wear it." "Leo gave you the watch Nico, you have to at least wear it sometimes.") and seeing at was two in the morning, I headed back into the dorm to grab my wand.

If my math was correct (it probably wasn't time zones are annoying) then it would be seven for Will. I knew he'd be up, he was always up at ungodly hours of the morning. So, when I went back into the bathroom I had my wand, prism and a drachma.

"Lumos." I muttered, the tip of my wand lit up and I positioned sit so the light shone through the prism, creating a rainbow. I threw the drachma in. "Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow, show me William Solace at Camp Half Blood." The rainbow shimmered and solidified to show Will sitting in a chair reading. "Hey glow stick." Will looked up.

"Well good morning sunshine." He said, smiling slightly before glancing at his watch. "Is it not like, two for you?" I shrugged. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Yep." I sighed and ran a hand down my face. Will frowned. He contemplated for a few seconds.

"I'm talking to Hecate about allowing the rest of the seven, Reyna, Calypso and I to come." He stated. I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh? Okay." Will snorted at my answer. "You do that."

"I'll tell you how it goes. For now, get some sleep." I nodded at his words and Will smiled at me. "Talk to you later deathbreath."

"You too Will-i-am." Will rolled his eyes and cut through the message. I sighed, grabbing my wand and the prism before muttering, "Nox." And heading back into the dorms. It only took me a few minutes to get back to sleep.

I awoke to being shook. My eyes flew open to see a man with black eyes and longer black hair shaking me awake. He was scowling.

"What?" I questioned groggily. That had been one the best sleeps I'd had in awhile, surprisingly, and I was quite angered to be awoken from it.

"Get up Di Angelo, you need to come to Dumbledore's office."

I nodded mutely as the man swept out of the room, leaving me to get dressed while my roommates sat up and looked around in confusion. All except Malfoy who was sneering at me. I made quick work of grabbing my clothes and heading into the bathroom.

When I came out Malfoy was Kensington against the dorm door frame.

"Got in trouble already Di Angelo? I'm not surprised, hanging around with idiots like Potter and Weasel-" his voice was cut off when I slammed the door shut behind me. I hurried down the stairs.

The man met me outside the portrait hole.

"Uh- who are you?" I asked as we walked through the corridors. He gave me an odd look.

"Professors Severus Snape." He drawled. It made sense that he'd be one of the people to know about us. I nodded and we walked the rest of the way in silence, which was only broken when we came to a stone gargoyle and Snape said, "lemon drop." In his monotone voice.

The gargoyle turned, allowing us into a small room with a spiral staircase that we walked up. We came to a wooden door and Snape knocked.

"Come in." Said a voice I recognized as Dumbledore's.

We walked through the door. The older lady that had taken Percy and Harry Potter away from feb feast for a few minutes was there, along with my cousin and Hazel. Snape took up residence in the corner as I sat in the innocuous chair between my two friends. Dumbledore surveyed us for a moment before speaking.

"I have word from Hecate that she will be visiting soon with two other gods." I blinked, checked my watch which read six am, and applauded my boyfriend for working so fast. If this was about that.

"Okay?" Percy said, obviously annoyed at having to be up this early. "Why did we have to be up this early for this?"

"She wants you to be here during the meeting." As soon as the words left Dumbledoor's mouth a tiny burst of purple left a slip of paper slowly descending onto his desk. He picked it up with raised eyebrows.

'Running late, two idiots are fighting. -Hecate"

Word Count: 890

Sorry for not updating in so long! Here's a new chapter and I will hopefully be updating more in the near future, it really depends on if I end up getting writers block or not-
Anyways! Have a great morning/night/afternoon/evening peeps! Remember to eat and drink some water!

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