You Think This Could Work

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After a long shift I get home and go straight to my room and shower I put on a big T-shirt. I sit on the edge of my bed for a minute then I plug my phone up and go to Meilani's room. She's knocked out and a heavy sleeper which I'm thankful for I pick her up and sit in the chair and just hold her for a moment thinking to myself I'm going to miss this when she's older. I'm just rocking in the chair with her taking it all in. I stay for about 30 minutes then lay her back in the bed I go downstairs to make some something quick to snack on. I'm eating a bowl of spicy ramen while looking into the darkness of the living room. I'm almost done and I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I roll my eyes before he gets all the way down the stairs. He stops and he's looking at me but I won't look up at him I laugh to myself because me not paying him any attention pisses him off more than anything. He walks off towards the sink and drops a plate into the water and then he goes to the fridge grabs a tea and just looks at me. I finish my ramen and get up place my bowl in the sink and walk right past him back up the steps to the room I hear him sigh. Things have been pretty quiet and I do little random shit to piss him off because he knows he fucked up and isn't going to say anything. But for the most part it's weird not being up under him all the time but I'm managing as the months go on.

{Adrian POV}
Since Meilanis birthday it's been a struggle and stressful asf were basically co parenting while living in the same house. She's been ignoring me and I completely understand her view I feel like things would be a bit better if I told her I never actually slept with summer but I was wrong for taking her on the trip in the first place. I went on a few company lunches with her I got to comfortable I may not have slept with her but I did give her my time attention more than I should have. I've been so down and broken about my choices that I've started going back to counseling I haven't told anyone about it but we're at the point where she thinks I should bring Jazmyne in for marriage counseling but idk how to even approach her about it she's been ignoring me since after the party and said if it's not about lani or the baby's she doesn't want to hear it. I only went to counseling because I kept thinking about her and that guy talking and just the thought of loosing her to someone else hurts more than anything. I've been stressed I haven't even gone to work in these past two months I've just been at home or sitting in a parking lot somewhere I've been lying to my wife and my family they think I'm taking care of her and she thinks I'm going to work when really it's none of that. It's just mad stressful. I walk upstairs and go to check on lani and she's not in her bed I go and peek into the room and she's in the bed with Jazz and she's just lightly talking to her telling her she will always love and protect her and that things happen for a reason and I just walk down to the guest room I change and grab my keys and leave. I drive to this bridge that over looks the water and I park and sit right on the edge no I'm not thinking about jumping im just thinking about life. I sit and begin to throw rocks into the water watching them sink I see car lights pull up behind me and I just turn and look back it's a guy he gets out and sits on the other end of the bridge it's quiet for a while and he speaks up and says you alright and I just simply reply no he's quiet and says you ever think about jumping I look at him and say no I've got a family back home you? He looks and says yes all the time but I can't bring myself to do it. I pause and say you ever thought about getting help? He says no and we talk for a little while and before I know it it's like 530 we get up to go our separate ways and I say hey look here's my number I'm in a bad situation but I'm always down to listen he smiles and gets in his car and drives off. I head back to the house and don't even go in. I just sit in the car the sun starts to come up and I go into the house shower and I change clothes and sit in the living room. I hear movement around eight and the shower turns on so I'm like okay she'll be down in a few. After about an hour they make their way downstairs and she sits lani down and she makes her way to the living room and I open my arms and say daddy's baby come here and she comes running and she's wearing a dress looking all pretty with her curls out Jazmyne Is packing a snack bag and she's coming towards the living room now. I simply say Hey I need to talk to you for a second. She just looks at me and picks up lani and walks towards the door. I don't stop talking or stop her I just let her keep walking while I talk. I just blurt out I've been going to counseling the past four months and she thinks I should go ahead and move out instead of waiting till you have the baby's and then you start coming to sessions too. She stops in her tracks and my heart is racing and she just looks back and says cool you moving out is fine and just leaves and close the door. I drop my head and just say whatever.
Jazmyne POV
I get to the car and strap lani in and head to the restaurant. I park and sit for a few minutes to wait for Andrea she pulls up and parks right beside me and opens lanis door and yells hi aunties little sweetie I smile thinking about how good everyone's relationship is with her she gets her out then I get out and flatten my dress out. She smiles and says you look cute I smile slightly and say I try. Just glad someone noticed she smiles and says hey I'm sure everyone does we go inside and sit and lani gets a high chair and her aunt says get whatever you want pointing at the kids menu and says it's on your Dad I just look at her silent and she laughs and says he sent me money to pay the bill i told him I was coming to eat lunch with you and he sent me some money this morning. I smile and say that's sweet not trying to be awkward. The guy comes over and takes our order. I ask her how the kids are doing and she talks about them and how they are doing in school and so on. We're silent for a little and she just looks at me and goes hey I know what's going on if you want to talk about it we can and it stays between us. He said he was moving out but didn't say why exactly I liked the plan you guys had. The food comes and I'm just twirling the pasta around my fork while lani is eating Mac and cheese I sigh and say we'll he's supposedly seeing a counselor and she said that we need to be separated for this to work out so he said he was moving now instead of later he said she's requesting me to come in and start marriage counseling after he leaves and we're apart but I didn't want to hear it so I just kept walking. She's quiet and says maybe she told him not to come to work too. I look at her confused but he leaves the house every morning like he's going to work same time frame and everything. She looks at me for a moment and says we'll he hasn't been to work in two months he said he's been taking care of you that's why I came to have lunch with you to make sure you were okay and didn't need anything or for me to take lani for a week. I instantly get pissed that he's sitting here lying on me like I need his help and she's like relax he's leaving that's why I'm here I came to help him move his stuff in my place for a little and I said I wanted to have lunch with you to catch up and that's when he told me everything down to what happened with summer. She's silent and says if you want to just hear him out before he goes I can take Meilani to the park for an hour or two. You don't have to say anything you can just listen. I say I'll think about it and she brings up the time I was in the hospital she ask if that was the issue the night I came to her house I simply say yes its part of it thats why we were arguing at the restaurant I wasn't even supposed to be up and moving but I wanted to see you guys it had been awhile and I just didn't want to see him. We talk a while longer and finish up eating. I tell her I'm going to talk to him rather listen if she could I would appreciate it if she took Lani to the park. We go out to the car and I strap her into Andreas sons car seat and I kiss her and say have fun and Andrea smiles and says it's  gonna work itself out. I get in the car and head back to the house I pull up outside and sit in the car for a few minutes before going in the house I hear him walking around upstairs I just sit my keys on the table and walk up to the room he's in the bathroom that's attached to the room he stays in so I just sit in the chair in the corner of the room and wait. He comes out and jumps back and says I scared him I don't say anything I just sit there and look at his stupid ass face like a big damn dummy i wanna slap the fuck outta him. But I shake my head and say you've got thirty minutes to an hour to talk I'll listen and that's it. He starts to talk and explain who his counselor was and what all they talked about and did and that took like thirty minutes and he's quiet and he looks and say so do you think you'll want to come you don't have to she's just requesting to speak with you. I pause and say I'll go if he answers three questions and he says of course and the first one is why didn't you ask last night when you were starting at me? Second one where did you go last night? Third why haven't you been going to work and lied about taking care of me? He sighs and says one you ignored me and you knew I wanted to talk to you and ask  something so there's your answer to that two I went to that bridge that over looks the water she stares at me and says wait were you thinking about jumping? I get mad and yell no I was pissed I was upset with you and upset with myself but I've got a child to think about that I wouldn't leave hanging like that before she could even remember me. Third because mama knows too much and she would have known something was up she knows you announcing the baby wasn't the issue she heard us arguing in the bathroom and I just don't want to have to explain to my momma that I basically cheated on my wife by giving another woman my time and attention she would fuck me up. Andrea only knows because I needed somewhere to stay and im just gonna explain to everyone that you had family come stay or something idk I just need to move so that this can work out I really do miss you we're both in the same house but I still feel alone. I just say mmhm okay  just let me know the time and place and I'll give the lady a chance.

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