Happy Second Birthday Meilani

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The two weeks went by fast it is now the morning of Meilani's second birthday. I'm up making her breakfast just something simple the party starts in five hours I've already started decorating the inside and now I'm just waiting on all the things to show up for the backyard. As I'm sitting out the gift bags the door bell rings and it's the guy here to set up the bounce house. I let him in though the back he sets up the two bounce houses then I pit lani down for a nap and go out back and start setting up the tables and balloons set up a table for presents and and sit the gifts we got her out and then set up the table for the food and then the table for junk food lol it's a party y'all knew that already. Sasha comes and helps me set out fruit trays and chips and cookies and then  the guy with the big balloons and the other decorations I ordered shows up. He sets up the balloon arch and back drop for pictures. It's about two hours left till the party so I go put lani down for a nap and finish the set up the caterer comes and drops off the food I set it all up and and then people start to show up with the kids I sit a sign out front for people to go around the back only thing I'm waiting on is the cake Adrian left to get it about twenty minutes ago.  So he should be back soon. His family comes and they greet me and his mom says somethings different I smile and say I'm feeling better and things have changed a little. The rest of the people show up and I go wake Meilani and get her dressed for the party and bring her downstairs. We step outside and everyone is picking her up and hugging her and saying happy birthday. She's  happy and smiling I love when she wakes up in a good mood. The party goes on and everyone is enjoying it I'm loving it all the kids are having fun soon we're going to do cake so I go and set up the round table for the cake and bring out the ice cream cups and Adrian brings the cake out. Everyone gathers around and we all start to sing happy birthday. We have cake and then do presents she has a really big table of them. We start to open gifts and take pictures and so much more we get down to the last four gifts on the table and we pull four chairs to the front and we have momma Autumn James Adrians mom and Adrian  sit down they are confused. We have their spouse stand behind them I forgot to say James and Brittany got married also...  but I hand them each a bag and they sit and I tell them not to look yet . Sasha walks out in front of them not saying anything and then gets her camera ready I take off lanis birthday shirt to reveal another shirt and then tell them to look in the bag. Adrians mom goes I knew it something was off girl you can't fool me.  I smile and say now let everyone else in on the secret they all pull out baby stuff and a card that says "Baby Sanchaz x2 coming soon" every one gets excited and starts congratulating us. I can really say this day has been good everyone finishes up and I have people take food and cake home so I don't have to much to  clean up.  Everyone is leaving the guy picks up the bounce house tomorrow. We throw out the left over trash and Adrians family and Sasha help take Meilani gifts inside to her room when Adrian pulls me aside and ask how long before him did I know that I was pregnant. I snatch my arm back and pause for a moment and say you sure you want to know? He says yes I look up and see Andreas boyfriend looking and I just smile at him and then I wait till he walks off and say I actually found out the day I was in the hospital when I woke up they told me I was fine and the baby was fine and I was confused and was like excuse me what baby and they told me I was pregnant. So I found out right after I almost died I guess you could say. I kind of wish I hadn't said it because his whole mood changed and he walked off. I rolled my eyes and walked off back inside and saw Ej standing there on the side and I just ask how long he had been there and he was like well the entire time. He looks at me and says so is everything okay. I pause and say yes it will be fine and he goes but you said you were in the hospital and almost died and I said please just keep that between us i got very sick I didn't want anyone to worry he hugs me and says it's fine I understand. Sometimes he acts like he's my big brother when I'm clearly older.
(Adrian POV)
I'm shocked another kid let alone two more in this moment when we're going through this right now I have no idea what to think. I just want to know when she found out and how come I didn't find out before all of this I pull her to the side to ask and she snatched away from me. Understood but whatever she gets up set and throws it in my face that she finds out after going to the hospital and honestly it breaks me and she knows and just walks off I honestly just want every thing to go back to how it was. I get upset and a tad bit hurt and I just walk away to the room just to calm down a bit and process everything. I just sit in complete silence with everything running in my head my family is here and everyone knows something is wrong between us. Momma and Andrea know this whole baby thing wasn't the problem they know it goes deeper than that. I'm afraid to even tell them because I know I fucked up bad. The door swings open and I look up and it's Jazmyne.
{Jazmyne POV}
I go back in the house and I go up to my room and tell Adrian to stop acting like a child because he's causing a scene and he's like I'm just upset because of me we could have lost our second child. I just say we didn't and grab his hand and tell him to come on and tell his family bye we get down the stairs laughing and everyone is sitting down with lani watching her play with her toys. We sit beside them we all talk for a little while they are asking what gender we want the babys to be I smile and say I wouldn't mind a boy or another little girl that actually looks like me and not her daddy. Maybe even a boy and girl. Adrian butts in and says I'd like a little me running around here being bad. I laugh and say man I don't think I want a boy they are BAD then I look to Adrians mom and ask how he was as a kid. She laughs and goes he was extremely bad and looked at her husband and said do you remember the time that he decided to run away and went to live in the neighbors tree house. Or the time I told him to stop jumping on the couch so he went and tried to jump down a flight of stairs and blacked his eye and broke his arm. I laugh and look at him and he goes come on ma no more shouldn't y'all be getting home. They laugh and she invites me to come out next weekend to look at all his baby pictures and I agree to come over and stay the weekend. We talk a little while longer before they leave and the only person left is Sasha and she upstairs in my bed watching tv I bathe lani and put her to bed because she's falling asleep. I go upstairs and tell her why you in my bed shouldn't you be at home im sure Antonio is waiting on you.  She laughs and goes well he had an away game and gave me tickets I was inviting you but I change my mind you can stay here with Adrian since y'all was soo happy today I push her and say whatever you're the only one that knows somethings up and I think his family suspects something but not sure and when I was talking to him earlier Ej heard me say I was in the hospital and he began to panic but I convinced him it was nothing to worry about. We sit and talk for a little while longer about how things are going to go down with Adrian. We're talking and I'm talking about us and so on and then Adrian comes in and ask to speak with me for a moment. So I look at Sasha and then go with him to the other room. I get in there and sit at the foot of the bed confused and he starts to speak about our situation and he says I've put some thought into it I want you to stay in the house with the kids well turn the other guest room next to your room into the nursery I'll stay here for a year the baby's will be three months by then and I'll start to find my own place I don't think you should have to move. I think about it and then agree to him staying here for the year. He pauses and says do you think that we could go to counseling for the time that I'm here to see if we can get things back right between us & if it works out we won't have to get a divorce? I sigh and say I need time to think about it I'm not sure I want that. I get up and leave the room and come back to Sasha laid across my bed and all I think is this mf so I go downstairs and get me some cake.  I go back upstairs and push her to the other side of the bed. I climb into bed and fall asleep. I wake up to Meilani eating cereal watching tv and no one else is here I grab my phone and there's a text from Sasha it said She woke up as I was leaving so I gave her cereal and turned the tv on you were sleep with your mouth open so I took a picture of that here's that too. I text her back and if you don't delete that picture we're fighting. I get up shower and get dressed I have to go out to the store back home and then to work at the hospital. I pack lani a bag and put some clothes on her then we get ready to go I put her in the truck and head to the store i get there and head to the backend collect the stuff I need. Then I stop by momma Autumns and say hey to them and drop off some stuff they left at the party. Then we head to the hospital and I leave lani with my boss while I go work. She's having the time of her life back there not even thinking about me. My heart is full and my mind is empty I'm in such a better mood I've been so down lately these baby's were doing a number on me. I can't wait to tell my boss she's going to be excited because she loves lani so much she just loves babies. I gotta figure out a way to tell her in a cute way. I know she's gonna want to do all my ultrasounds even tho she's not my doctor. She can just do the ones on the side on her own. I smile sitting at the desk thinking to myself and then I hear mommy and I look up to see her running down the hallway to me with my bossy yelling I'm gonna get you with her giggling. She runs to me and I pick her up and toss her and she says we were coming because it's almost your lunch we came to see what you wanted cause we're gonna go pick up food and get ice cream right.... and she smiles all big happy. So I just say a chicken salad with ranch and a bottle of water and a Gatorade. She says okay and they walk down to the cafe to get me lunch I check in on one of my patients then head to the break room. I'm sitting there thinking about a nap fr. They come in with my food and lani has my water. Lani got some chicken nuggets and fries with a juice box I start eating and take one of her fries and she goes hey mine. I give her a little side eye and say wow you don't want to share with mommy that's mean. She does a little pout and hands me another one and then my boss goes hey stop picking with her and eat your own food and then babies her. I laugh and say she might as well go home with you. She gets excited and goes oh really and I laugh and say no Adrian would probably have a stroke he should be here in the next hour to get her. She looks up and says girl finish your food we have to hide. I finish up my food and give her kisses before I go and then head down to my next patient I'm reading the chart thinking the name sounds familiar yall I get to the room and this man is still fine. He's only five years older than me and still look good. My heart rate speeds up a little bit and I feel it getting hot. I greet him and he's like I remember you. I did deliveries when you worked at a clothing store. I smile and say yes I remember you I was stuck on your name like I know a Raymond from somewhere and you most definitely have a face that no one would forget. He starts to laugh and I noticed his stitches ripped back open I laugh and say woah calm down now you have to relax. And I clean him up and patch him back up but I sit down in the chair next to the bed to catch up with him my watch goes off and it's Adrian saying he's on the way to get her. I say okay and continue to talk with him I ask him where he went after he quit doing delivers and he says he didn't he just got a better opportunity driving big rigs they paid more. Then he laughs and says I thought about you the other day I did a delivery there and it was another lady and I wondered where you had went and I smile and say I got promoted to district manager and went part time because I was in school to become a nurse and he's like that's cool I laugh and say yea I was still in high school when I first saw you. We're still catching up with how much of a goofball I was when I first saw him and I'm laughing and having a good time but I get this feeling someone's watching me y'all I look up and Adrian is standing outside the door. I automatically frown a little and tell Raymond it was good catching up with him that I would be back to check his wound in about an hour. I cringe as I walk out because he laughs and goes alright now you have a FINE day putting emphasis on the fine. I then turn smile and say you also. I walk out and simply say she's with my boss the office down the hall and he just keeps walking then goes hey so is he like a regular or something? So I pause and say no why? He's just looking at me like you know why and he goes oh no reason y'all just seemed close in there like y'all met before or something. I go oh yea we did when I was in high school I met him at my job. He goes oh have y'all kept in contact. I gave him a dirty look and said drop it go get lani and leave. He stops and goes well you didn't introduce your husband to someone you've clearly known for a while that was kind of rude. I pause and say it was rude of you to be ease dropping in on a conversation that didn't concern you but yet here we are. You know exactly where lani is but yet you just so happen to stop here when you seen me. You could have went and got her then came to me but you had the nerve to stand there and question ME love get it together I'm not the one that cheated. I'm thinking to myself the nerve of this mf gone ask me if we kept in contact. Better question is you still keep in contact with summer man better leave me alone. He catches an attitude and walks off without another word. A few moments later he comes back down the hall with lani and I kiss her forehead and say mommy will see you later okay she smiles and just looks at me. One of the other nurses come around the corner and goes ooo no one told me Adrian was here with the baby (she's clearly bad at remembering names) and she's like hey Adrian she's looking more and more like you everyday! He dryly says thank you and says yea see you at the house. Didn't even say see you at home he's big mad I look back and see the nurse still standing there and she goes oooo someone's not happy did he get up on the wrong side of the bed today. I laugh and say clearly but it's whatever.

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