The Ice Cream Knows All

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Adrien's POV

She won't tell me who her crush is! No matter how many questions I ask she refuses to say anymore. So instead, today I maaaayy be tricking her into revealing it by taking her to Andre's with me. I mean she probably hasn't been here long enough to know the legends of love that Andre has caused. And she is a very literal person, so even if she does, she probably doesn't believe he can tell the future of love birds and is just some kooky guy that slaps together flavors that match the colors of the two people he is serving.

So unless she has a crush on me, the colors won't match. And I will be able to guess. It's probably someone from fencing class. She doesn't know many other people.

Kagami's POV

I don't think Adrien realizes just how hard it is for me to convince my mother to let me out of the house without knowing the location I would be going to.

Especially when we're going to have to be out for hours to find the damn place.

I'm going to be doing so many drills to make up for this day so this ice cream better be worth it.

"Kagami, Hey!" Adrien shouted from across the street.

"Hello, Adrien," I said as I made my way over to him.

"You ready to go try the best ice cream of your life?"

"If it isn't the best, I'm going to kill you for having me out here all day"

"It is the best! Some would even say it's magical... Come on Andre was last spotted near the Louvre."

Adrien's POV

"Sooooo, still not going to tell me who you have a crush on?" I asked as we walked to the Louvre.

"I do not have a crush on anyone, Adrien. I was simply confused."

"Is it one of the boys from fencing?"

"I just told you, I do not have a crush!"

"We'll see about that..." I mumbled under my breath.

I heard a ding on my phone, Andre must've moved

"How in the hell did he make it over there so fast?"


"The park by the school. We should hurry, he'll be there a max of two hours"

A/N: Let's pretend for a moment that this is even slightly geographically correct information

"Adrien, If he isn't there when we get there, I'm done. I don't want to walk all over hell and creation for ice cream that probably isn't as good as you say it is"

"If he isn't there then I will take you to a bakery around the corner from the park" It wouldn't hurt to go say hi to Marinette after all, maybe get a few croissants... damn there goes my train of thought for the day.


We finally arrived at the park. Andre seems to be serving all these couples on dates. I hope no one thinks that Kagami and I are on one.

I take Kagami up to the stand, Andre just looks between the two of us. He seems confused.

Yall please forgive this horrendous rhyme that's about to happen.

"The love you two have is true, but it is not shared between the two of you," Andre said as he passed us our ice cream.

"We got the same flavors." I deadpanned, confused.

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