Oh, Wow, Video Games

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Marinette's POV

"Well, at least my thighs will still feel like I've been training today." I heard Kagami say from behind me

"Wh-at says you make that?"

This is going to be a long day.

"I mean, what makes you say that?" I say as I open the door to the living room.

"You have a mountain of stairs to climb just to get into your living room."

Oh thank God.

"You think that's bad?? I have to climb two extra flights just to get to my bed, you can leave your shoes by the door."

Is anyone else extremely confused by Marinette's house layout? Anyways.

"No wonder you're so lean despite living in a bakery"

"Yeah...among other things" I mumbled under my breath

"What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing..."

"So, what games are you having me play?"

"Your choices are...." I said while drumming my fingers on the bookshelf like a drumroll

"Any of the Ultimate Mega Strike games, Mario Kart ;) if you know you know, Minecraft...that's actually all we really have for multiplayer games"

"You pick?"

"Would you prefer a fighting type game, racing type, or more of a creative world-building type"

"Creative world-building I guess"

"Minecraft it is" Thank God, I did not want to have to absolutely wreck my crush at Ultimate Mega Strike...again

I pass Kagami a controller and turn on the console.

"So what is the goal of this game?"

"Well...there isn't really a goal per say. I mean there is a boss fight, but the game goes on after that? You mine supplies, cut down trees, and build. Sometimes you fight off monsters too. Or you could build farms and stuff to do most of the collection stuff for you so that you can focus on building"

"What's creative mode?"

"It's having access to all the blocks without having to work for it"

"Wouldn't that be better to focus on building?"

"Yeah, but it's not as satisfying as having to work for all the materials yourself."

"Okay, seems easy enough"

I load in a new world.

"Chop down some trees with your fist, you can then make a crafting table which will show you recipe's to make tools and stuff"

"I understand."

"Now just build the world around you to be exactly how you want it to be"

Kagami's POV

"Look at my house"

"Marinette, why is your entrance made of Diamond blocks?"

"So I can imagine being a rich monarch that drives fear throughout the land"

"We're the only ones playing. All that's going to do is get all your diamonds blown up the next time you can't run fast enough from a creeper."

"You're just mad that I have full diamond armor and you don't!" She teased while sticking out her tongue

I Misjudged You/MarigamiWhere stories live. Discover now