The party

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Chris takes your hand "so tell me a little about yourself"

"Well I'm a first grade teacher from Chicago." you smile

Chris looks to you shocked "Chicago how did you end up in LA"

You try and focus on the dance moves "well, I came here on a trip with my now ex boyfriend. I found out he was cheating on me. I decided to stay out here for the rest of the trip, to uh clear my mind, but now I'm not sure how long I will stay."

He looks upset "well I hope you do decide to stay a while. I would like to get to know you..."

*The song stops and someone approached you*

Seb comes up to you and asks "may I have this dance?"

You look to Chris and he gives your hand to Sebastian and whispers "I will find you later beautiful."

You keep one hand in seb's and one hand around his neck. You look up to him "we haven't really met. I'm y/n." He puts his other hand around your waist

Seb spins you around "nice to meet you. Has anyone ever told you how beautifully gorgeous you are. You are stunning." He winks

You blush "aww, you are so sweet thank you."

You and seb dance. While dancing you get to know each other a little more.


Tom can't stop watching you with Chris Evans and seb. His jealousy keeps getting worse.

Chris looks at Tom worried "Tom what happend with you two? Why aren't you dancing with her?"

Tom looks disappointed in himself "what you said got in my head. And I told her I don't think I could handle the age difference. Now I don't know what to think."

Chris looks like he regretted telling Chris his opinion "Tom I'm sorry mate. I didn't mean for you to doubt her. I only said what I said because of what happened last time, but this doesn't mean she is going to be like the last one."

Tom looks heartbroken "how can I fix this? She told me her fear is that she is not good enough for no one and I told her she is. Then I basically rejected her. She looks so happy with Chris and seb."

Chris looks optimistic "looks can be deceiving go on and talk to her."

Tom looks to Chris with hope "I will, I made a mistake for sure."

You seb to get a drink. With a huge smile on your face. She goes to talk to Chris Evans and Thomas. When you get called over.

Scarlet and Lizzie both call you over "come over here and join us."

Little did you know Tom was about to talk to you, but decided to let you enjoy more time at the party.

You sit down nervously "hi I'm-"

You get interrupted by scarlet "your y/n the talk of the party."

Your eyes widen but your still looking down "really?! But why? I'm a nobody."

Lizzie chuckles "your somebody. Somebody who has caught the eye of four men at this party."

Both Tom's, Chris and seb are looking at you sitting with scarlet and Lizzie.

Scarlet giggles "are you interested in any of them." She winks.

You blush a little "I'm not sure they are all great guys."

You think about Hiddleston but you are also still hurt. You also think about your dances with Chris and seb.

Lizzie laughs and jokes "What if they all ask you out at the same time? What would you do?"

You look up to them "I have no idea. Hopefully that doesn't happen so I don't have to make that decision." You laugh nervously.

Chris and seb come up to you "y/n we need to talk to you."

At the same time tom comes walking up to you "can I talk to you darling."

Chris and seb look confused and say at the same time "Darling?"

Thomas William Hiddleston Where stories live. Discover now