The agreement

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Chrissy came up to everyone "I couldn't help, but over hear that all three of you asked y/n out. In stead of asking her right now how about if your okay with it y/n....what if you went out on a date with each one? Maybe it would help with the decision, unless you already know what you want to do?"

Seb smiles "I would be okay with that"

Chris agrees to as well as Tom but at first Tom was a little hesitant but Chrissy got him to agree eventually. Tom hesitantly says "if that is what you want then that if what you shall get"

You smile "Let's do it. Tom when is the audition you mentioned! Other than that I'm free."

Tom sadly smiles "two days time, darling."

Seb looks to you "Can we have our date tomorrow."

You look up "Sounds great what time!"

"How does eleven sound?"

You smile "sounds great, you have my number." You wink (ya little minx) and the turn to Tom "Can we head back to the hotel I'm tired."

You and Tom head to the car and you do not say a word. You are trying to wrap you head around everything. Seb created a group chat so you, him, Chris and Tom can see all the ground rules for all the dates.

Tom looks up to you "I wanted to talk to you before everything happened. I need to explain myself."

You close your eyes "can we talk when we get back to the hotel? I need a minute of silence. My mind is in over drive right now."

He smiles "of course darling."

He thinks to himself 'how can I make this up to her. I don't want to make excuses, need to show her how sorry I am.'

You two get to the penthouse. You take off your heels and sit on the couch. You look to Tom to start the conversation.

Tom takes a deep breath "darling I'm so sorry for what I said Chris hemsworth bringing up my past and the age difference it scared me. I didn't wanna be hurt again by doing that though I hurt you in the process. It took my too long to realise Are. Not. My past, but you could be my future. What can I do to make it up to you?"

You look to him socked and happy "we all have a past Tom and it effects us no matter how hard we try to forget it. Let's make this promise to each other no matter how bad our anxieties and fears from our past relationships creep in, we talk to each other about it."

He smiles a sad smile "I promise, darling. SoOo I have a chance against the other guys." He had a smirk on his face

You laugh "of course." You pause oh before I go back to my room, did the director send you the scene, I need to look over?"

"Oh yes I forgot he sent it over this morning." He hands over an envelope with the scene "y/n there's one thing I need to do before you go."

You look to him confused "yees?"

Tom walks toward y oh to the point that you back is against the wall. You heart is beating rapidly.

He kisses you passionately and slowly puts his hand on your cheek. He slides his tongue on your lip as if asking for entrance he then grabs you leg and puts it on his waist and the lifts you up.

You pull away "Tom" you say breathlessly and you think 'daamn I was not expecting this'

"Tom I-I"

He take a deep breath "don't say anything darling. Just think about what we discussed. Have fun tomorrow." He smirks "good night darling."

You go to your room but you can't stop thinking about the kiss with Tom. You try to distract yourself by looking at the scene you were given. You realised you would have to kiss Tom for the audition.

When you fall asleep you dream about:

You and Tom are in bed cuddling all of a sudden Tom gets on top of you and starts kissing your neck then lower next thing you know your looking into sebs eyes and then he kisses you and starts dancing with you and then he kisses you again after you somehow start dancing with Chris and he kisses you on the cheek all of a sudden you kissing Tom again.

You wake up and your heart is racing. You look at your phone and have 30 missed messages. Mainly all from the group chat establishing the ground rules. Each one also sent a good morning message.

You start to get ready for your date with Sebastian and you wear a black top with blue ripped jeans.

"Hey doll you look amazing

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"Hey doll you look amazing." He opens the car door for you.

"Such a gentleman. Thank you. Soo what are we doing today."

"It's a surprise"

Thomas William Hiddleston Where stories live. Discover now