The Pale Boy (Chapter One)

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(3rd POV)

The sun rose from behind the snowy mountain tops, shining itself into the young girl's room. The young girl had just awoken from her short slumber as she doesnt get much sleep during the nights. Her name was Ava Kirkley and she was a young 13 year old girl who had just started the 8th grade. It was about 6:30 on a hazy Saturday morning as Ava rubbed her hazel eyes. She popped her back as she stretched and yawned, she wasnt quite ready to get out of bed but she had to use the restroom. She slowly creeped out of her room into the halfway so as to not wake anyone up. She had made it into the bathroom and started doing her morning routine. She used the toilet, washed her face, brushed her hair, and lastly brushed her teeth. Her hair was about down to her shoulders and was a dark orange color. She had hazel eyes along with pure white skin and freckles that danced all over her face and body. She was about average in height for her age and was quite skinny but not skinny enough that you could see her bones. As she left the bathroom, she noticed that a few of her brothers had awoken. She had many siblings thanks to her dad, he would cheat and use a lot of women for stuff and sometimes he would just have one night stands. She ended up with eight siblings, seven brothers and one sister. From oldest to youngest you had Bryson (19), Jack (18), Ben (16), Dominik (16), Ava (13), William (11), Charlie (10), David (8), and last but not least Matthew (4). Some of them werent related to others since most of them had different mothers or fathers. Most of her siblings were just half siblings and only two of them were her full siblings which was Ben and Bryson.

(Avas POV)

I crept down the wooden creaky stairs to try and not wake the rest of my siblings up. When I reached the bottom I noticed that only my three older brothers were up. Ben was sitting in the rocking chair, Jack was laying down on the couch, and Bryson was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. Of course they all also had their phones out and doing whatever they did since it was about 7:00 in the morning and they couldnt do much. I passed them to get to the cabinet and grab my favorite cereal, it was some original honey nut cheerios! As I was making my bowl of cereal Charlie came down stairs and turned on the TV. The daily news came on to show that there had been a huge wildfire in California and that there was also a lot of fighting going on in Afghanistan. With the TV being on and how thin these walls were, it woke everyone else up.

We were all getting breakfast and talking with one another, well except for me. Im not really the social type of person even when it comes to family. I was just eating my cereal and watching the news. While I was finishing up my Cereal I saw something in the corner of my eye. It seemed tall and slim but when I looked over at it, it disappeared. The tall and slim figure had been popping up a lot lately and I still couldnt figure out what it was. I tried to tell other people like my older brothers but they wouldnt believe me, they just thought I was being paranoid. I had enough of this thing showing up and so I decided after I finished breakfast I would try and search everything up on the Google search engine.

I had finished up breakfast and logged on to my laptop. I started to search up things like Tall and slim creatures and What does it mean when you see a tall and slim figure in the corner of your eye?. I couldnt find much but one article caught my eye, the article on an entity called Slenderman or the operator. He was tall and slim like I saw from the corner of my eye, he also wears a black suit and has white skin. He has no face and eight tentacles that come out of his back. He seems like a myth but a lot of people seem to say hes real. People have gotten photos and even videos of him. I couldnt tell if they were real or fake and so I decided to leave it alone for now. I closed my laptop and decided to go for a walk. I threw some clothes on and grabbed my sad little flip phone. I made it outside the door until two of my little brothers came up behind me wanting to go as well. It was William and Charlie, I knew they were fine to come as long as no one else asks. We started to walk away from the house and towards where the neighborhood ends. There was a road and a small walking path in between our two neighborhoods, after you walk a while down the path you make it to a forest. The forest was pretty dark inside, it kind of creeps me out but I also feel like I should go in it. Many people have gone in and never come out including a kid named Tobias Rogers who went insane and killed his dad, after that he fled into the forest and set it on fire. They never found his body and the only thing they did find was a gasoline can and some burnt up matches. People say hes still alive and hunting people down but others seem to disagree. I dont really have an opinion on it. My family is very weary of the forest and tells us to stay away from it, I dont ever listen though. I like going up to the entrance of the forest, wanting so badly to go in but I know that I have a pretty good chance of never coming back out.

Me and my younger brothers made it to the end of the pathway and in front of the forest, I started to hear strange noises like a static kind of sound. That's when I heard a young woman screaming. I rushed into the forest followed by my two younger brothers trying to figure out where she was. We finally had found her but we were too late, she was already dead. Right next to her was a pale boy with burnt out black hair that was down to his shoulders and a cut smile. He looked us in the eye for what felt like hours and then that's when I knew. RUN! I yelled and we started to run as fast as we could, we never looked back. We managed to find our way out of the forest, following our muddy footsteps that led into the forest. Once we made it out I looked back and the only thing I saw was a note with what seemed to be a tall slim figure in a suit. It looked almost exactly like the operator but I didnt wanna take my chances and so we left it and started our way back home trying to forget what we had just seen. It was about 10:30 when we got back and I wanted to do something to get that woman off my mind. I went up to my laptop and watched some YouTube to get it all off my mind. An odd video had popped up, the channel was called Marble Hornets. Before I could click on it I heard Ben call my name. Coming!

I ran down the creaky stairs and towards the living room, I then heard my name being called again but this time it was behind me. I turned around and saw that the front door was open. I went to close it but it wouldnt budge from its place, as I was trying to move the door I didnt see the pale figure coming up behind me. Ava! Watch out! I heard my younger brother yell. I moved just in time for the guy with the cut smile to grab me. With his raspy voice he said The boss wants you to see you. I looked him in the eye for a few seconds and I then got the courage to say If hes that desperate then hell come to me. He gave me a chuckle and turned around to leave. You're tougher than I thought. He said as he smirked. As he left, I ran and grabbed the home phone to call the police but before I could press the call button, something had cut the power to all Wi-Fi and electronics.

God dang it

Proxy Apprentices (Creepypasta OC Story) (Re-Writing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang