The demon and the glitch (Chapter five)

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I am so sorry for not posting in so long! I really do wanna continue writing this book and I'll try to update as soon as I can now! Anyways enjoy chapter five!

(I whispered to Masky Who was that? He looked down at me. That was BEN but I wouldnt worry about him.

If you say so)

We got past the crowd of killers and started to head up some stairs. We made it to a hallway with a whole bunch of rooms and there were a whole bunch more flights of stairs that we could have walked up but luckily he had put us only on the second floor. Here are your rooms, my young apprentices. We first walked into Ch- I mean Jamals room and looked around. The room was filled with all the stuff he owned and a bit of extra stuff like a tv and some game consoles for entertainment. Next we went to Zacks room and he had almost the exact same room but it was designed differently, I think slender had been stalking us for a while and made our rooms beforehand to match what we liked. I became quite excited to look in my room. Oh, your room isnt on this floor young one. We had put your room right next to Maskys. I looked at slender with an astonished look and then back at Masky with a disgusted look. Why couldnt you have just put my room next to my younger brother's room? Well you could easily escape. He had a good point. Guess he wasnt as stupid as I thought. We let Jamal and Zack settle into their rooms while we headed up stairs to my room.

Slender aloud his proxies to head to their own rooms on the way to mine, of course Masky still followed us because his room was right next to mine. We had made it to my room and Masky went into his. We walked in and what I saw was my dream room. The room had a lovely corner bed with many pillows and a soft comfy blanket, there was a desk in another corner of the room with a huge gaming computer setup, there were fairy lights hung around my room, and a pretty decent sized dresser in the opposite side of the room. A few family photos hung on the walls along with some gaming posters. My favorite part of the room was that there was a dog bed right next to my bed with smile dog laying on it. He jumped up when he saw me and ran over to get some belly rubs. He reminded me of my own dog whenever he would see me. I missed my dog but Im sure he would be happier with the rest of my family.


(I then heard gunshots, screams, dogs barking, glass breaking, and then it all went silent. (Flashback ends)

Nevermind, he might just be dead.

I cant believe they wouldve killed my dog though. They really are cold blooded killers, they couldve at least spared me my dog. Then again they spared my two younger brothers so I have no reason to really complain about sparing a dog. Slender and smile dog had left me to settle into my room and said he would be back in the morning to explain how the training to become a proxy is gonna work. I sat on my bed for a few minutes and I noticed something leaning on my dresser. It was my guitar. I brought it over onto my bed and pulled it out. It was my step-dads old guitar that he gave to me since I wanted to practice it and I didnt have my own. He had spent thousands of dollars on this guitar and I was surprised when he said I could have it. I put it on and started to tune it, but I stopped when I heard a knock on my door. I set my guitar down on my bed and opened the door and there was the little link imposter standing right in front of me. Im pretty sure his name was BEN. I waved at him knowing I would sound more female than male, Trender really seemed serious on making me seem like a male so Ill respect his decision. He stared at me for a moment and then just seemed to invite himself in. He looked around and saw my gaming computer. He seemed to have glitched a bit and then got zapped into it. I stared wide eyed at the computer and he popped right back out. You need to get that thing set up. was all he said and then he left, or at least I thought he did. Also Im BEN. You dont speak much do you? He said as stopped right in front of my door. He turned around and I shook my head no. Whatever, goodnight. and he left. I closed my door and sat right back on my bed. I put my guitar back in its case and leaned it against my dresser once more. I looked inside the dresser and found my blue and white plaid pajama pants and a black tank top, also a white bandana to cover my eyes while I slept so I didn't have to use the black one all the time. I changed into it and laid down on my bed. I passed out a few minutes later.

(It's so dark, I cant see anything. Wait Mom? Come now my sweet child, follow me into the light. Ive had this dream for as long as I can remember. I knew what this was. Stay back, you demon! I yelled. Things became more clear, I could kind of see again. This demon thing was always posing as my mother in my dreams. It seems slender has taken you in, that damn entity ruined my shot of taking you in as my own proxy The voice sounded as deep as the dark blue ocean where the eerie anglerfish would lie. I never heard their actual voice before. What the hell do you want from me!? I would ask this every night that they appeared but they had never given me a true answer. Why didnt you fall for it why didnt you come into the light. Dont you love your mother? It was the strangest question I ever heard. Of course I do but Ive mostly been neglected ever since my little brother David came into the picture. Me and my two older brothers never got the same love he did. The demon finally showed me who he was. He was about as tall as Masky and seemed kind of well built. He had black skin and big black horns, he also had red mouths all over his body. You may call me Zalgo, I am the demon king of the underworld. I thought that was satan My sarcastic butt had to say something that would offend him. WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK THAT!? He seemed really annoyed. Hes the original, you're just the copy

Thats it! You're outta here!

Proxy Apprentices (Creepypasta OC Story) (Re-Writing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora