He's Real??? (Chapter Two)

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Kind of lost inspiration for this chapter but the next one will be longer!


(You're tougher than I thought. He said as he smirked. As he left, I ran and grabbed the home phone to call the police but before I could press the call button, something had cut the power to all Wi-Fi and electronics.

God dang it)

(Avas POV)

We all waited in the living room while Bryson fixed the wires since all the lights had also been cut. Nobody but me, William, and Charlie knew what had happened. The only thing I could think about was where the pale boy went and what was gonna happen next. The lights had come back on and everyone went back to what they were doing. I couldnt take it anymore and ran out of the house and down the path where the forest is, I ran back to the spot where I first met that pale boy and there he was. Standing in the same position when I first saw him, it was like he was expecting me or something.

Back for more? He asked with a sickly smile. Shut up and tell me where your boss is. I said just wanting to get to the point. He motioned for me to follow him and that's exactly what I did. We walked for about an hour until I started to hear that same static sound again ringing in my ears. I instantly stopped and covered my ears, the pale boy noticed this and stopped as well. The static soon stopped and a tall faceless man stood in front of us. He was really tall, had white skin, no face, and eight black tentacles that came out of his back like tree branches sticking out of a dark oak tree. Hello child. His voice was so calming it was like silk. Ive seen the pain youve been put through. Ive seen what theyve done to you My eyes widened in surprise, how would he know what Ive been through? He held out his hand for me to take. Join me in getting rid of those people who hurt you. I took a step back. Not without my family and that includes pets too No man, woman, or beast gets left behind. Then in one blink of an eye, they both disappeared and I was standing outside of the forest. Ava! I turned around and saw my older brother Ben running towards me. Why did you run off like that!? He sounded worried, why would he be worried about me? It was nothing, just a cat I saw outside. I lied even though I knew it was a pathetic and stupid lie. Whatever, just hurry up and come home. Brysons gonna get angry with me and that's the last thing I need.

We had made it back home and I immediately ran up to my room. Everyone seemed to be confused by my odd behavior, why would they care? I sat on my bed and waited, waited for something to happen, waited for a knight in shining armor to swoop me up into my happily ever after, waited for a sign that it would all be okay. Instead I got a knock at my bedroom door. Ava? Are you there? It was Bryson. He opened the door and peeked his head in. You doing alright? Yep perfectly fine I told him like I was being sarcastic, I wasnt really in the mood to talk to him. Either hes stupid or he could tell I didnt wanna talk to anyone because he just said Okay and left me sitting there. I sat there for a few more minutes until I started to hear my window slide open, very very slowly. I dared to look behind me, I sat there frozen in place. Dont be a killer. Dont be a killer. Dont be a killer. I got off my bed right as I heard heavy footsteps touch my floor. I turned around. There was a man with messy brown hair, an orange jacket, and a white mask with black feminin features.

So you're supposed to be my apprentice

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