Masky, Hoodie, and Toby (Chapter Three)

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Sorry it took so long for this chapter, I tried my best though!


(I got off my bed right as I heard heavy footsteps touch my floor. I turned around. There was a man with messy brown hair, an orange jacket, and a white mask with black feminin features.

So you're supposed to be my apprentice)

(Avas POV)

Who are you and what do you mean by apprentice? I was surprised when he said apprentice. I told that stupid entity that I wasnt gonna leave without my family! The Slenderman is allowing you to choose two other people to bring along and train with you. If hes allowing you to do that then you must be something special. I told him that Im not leaving without my whole family and that includes pets too! I couldnt help but raise my voice at the man in the mask. Then well just have to take you by force and take two others of our choosing He ran at me and tackled me to the ground, I clawed and scratched at his face but the mask was blocking it. He put me down on my stomach and tied my hands behind my back with one of my hoodies I had hanging from a bookshelf. My face felt like it was plastered to the ground because of how hard he held it down. I felt like my nose was gonna snap any minute now but instead of a snap I heard two more pairs of footsteps touch my room floor. Toby, Hoodie, go get them. Im guessing those were the names of the other two. Their footsteps started to fade away. I then heard gunshots, screams, dogs barking, glass breaking, and then it all went silent.

I heard the same footsteps walking up the stairs, I was scared. My whole body was lifted off the ground and over somebody's shoulder. It was the masked man again. I was able to see behind him and I saw the other two pairs of footsteps. One was a man that had a yellow hoodie on and a black ski mask. The mask had two glowing red eyes and a red frown stitched on it, the hood from the hoodie covered the rest of his head and that was all I could see. The second man seemed to be in his teens and he wouldnt stop twitching. He had dark brown hair, an old worn out looking jacket, orange goggles, and a mouth guard with what kind of looked like a smile but at the same time it didnt. The hooded man was holding Charlie and the man with the goggles was holding William. They were both passed out and being carried Bridal style. The hooded man grabbed a white cloth from his pockets and put it over my mouth. I tried to fight it but the darkness took over and I passed out as well.

Everythings dark. Where am I? Come on Ava! Get up! Your little brothers need you!

I started to open up my eyes. It was still kind of dark but my eyes were starting to adjust to the small light above. I was tied up with rope instead of my hoodie, my two little brothers laying next to me and they still seemed past out. I looked around the room to see what I could use to escape. No windows, one door, an old looking table in the center of the room, a light hanging right above the table, and us three laying on the ground. The doors knob started to twist and turn, and then it opened. The hooded man came in and walked around the table, right in front of me. How are you feeling? He asked like he was worried. Why would he be worried about how Im feeling? I stayed silent. Not gonna talk? I again stayed silent. Whatever, just come with me. He grabbed my tied up hands and lifted me on my feet. I felt slightly dizzy but kept my balance, so we started walking towards the door. He opened it up to show a set of stairs. We walked up the stairs into a small hallway, we walked down the hallway to a living room and a kitchen. In the kitchen were three small bowls of soup still steaming and ready to be eaten, In the living room sat the man with goggles and the man with the mask, both doing different things. The hooded man took me through the kitchen where a small dining table with four dining chairs was set. He sat me down in one of the chairs and left.

I started moving a lot and trying to get the ropes untied and luckily they came loose pretty quick. I untied myself and started running for a window that was on the other side of the room. I used all my weight and rammed myself into the window and shattered it. I fell out of the window and latched myself onto a nearby tree. This didnt feel right, it was like this was all planned. They would have tied the ropes tighter, they would have blocked all windows, they wouldnt have tied me to an old worn down chair that would easily break. I slowly slid down the tree and started to run knowing that I would come back for my little brothers. A forest surrounded the old run down cabin that I was in. I ran past trees, bushes, rocks, and fallen down logs. A bird or a butterfly would be seen just about every five minutes. Not just any bird or butterfly but the exact ones I passed a little while ago, I stopped once I went past the same bird for the fifth time. I looked up at the bird and then it started making strange noises like it was an alarm. The masked man then emerged from the trees. So this is where you ran off too. Im guessing you could see through the illusion. I glared at him. Shut up and tell me the way out of here! He started to chuckle and then a full on laugh. You really think Im gonna tell you? You must really be out of your mind! He laughed even more. He then grabbed me by my hoodie and dragged me all the way back to the old cabin.

He dragged me back into the old cabin and sat me down in a more sturdy chair. William and Charlie were sitting down, both on each side of me. William was on my right while Charlie was on my left. They both seemed nervous but the only thing I felt was rage and determination. Slenderman had walked in and stood in front of us. Hello children. Have you all been fed? My younger brothers nodded, I sat perfectly still. Have you eaten? He asked me directly. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I wanted to speak but something about him made me feel off. (Maybe because hes faceless???) Hoodie was she fed? The hooded man spoke up. No sir, she ran off before I could feed her. He wasnt wrong about that one. That's alright, well just feed her after the makeover. Toby, please go get my brother. Im guessing the guy with the goggles was Toby because he started to leave. Brother? I perked up without thinking. Yes, I have many brothers but this one is the best at makeovers. I was confused when he said makeover. A few minutes later another tall slender guy had come in but he came in with another person. Oh wait, that's the boy with the goggles. He was wearing a suit and his hair was combed. Sorry, I just couldnt help how he looked! The other faceless man said. This is my brother Trenderman. Trenderman, these are our new apprentices. The man with the goggles or-er Toby looked unhappy to be in a suit. Me and my younger brothers started to giggle a little at Toby. W-WHAT'S SO F-FUNNY!? He yelled at us. We burst out laughing, the other proxies also started to laugh a little.

You look so stupid! I said in between laughs.

Proxy Apprentices (Creepypasta OC Story) (Re-Writing)Where stories live. Discover now