Training Starts (Chapter Six)

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(WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK THAT!? He seemed really annoyed. Hes the original, you're just the copy

Thats it! You're outta here!)

(7:30 AM)

I woke up to a bright light shining into my room. An alarm on my dresser was going off, I hate alarms I got up out of bed and made my way to my dresser. I slammed my hand down onto the alarm and I almost crushed it with one closed fist. I started looking through the drawers and in every drawer was the same exact outfit but different sets. I had put on the same exact outfit I had from yesterday and made my way outside of my room. Smile dog was waiting right outside my door for me with a tired smile on his face. He led me downstairs and into a huge dining room where many more people sat. Ah Wattson, just in time for breakfast. Slender was finishing up making the breakfast as he used his tentacles to serve a plate to each person. He grabbed me with one of his tentacles and sat me down in a chair between Smile dog who seemed to have his own seat and Zack. Jamal sat on the other side of Zack. Slender put a plate in front of me with two Cinnamon rolls, 2 pieces of bacon, and 2 pieces of sausage on it along with a glass of chocolate milk. (Sounds like my dream breakfast)

Everyone had different foods on their plates. We all scarfed down our food until our stomachs were full. Slender had told us the night before to come outside after breakfast and so after we finished eating I grabbed my little brother's hands and took them out to meet Slenderman in the front of the house. We made it outside and sat on the porch as we waited for Slender to come out. He walked out the front door and turned to us. Hello my young apprentices. Do any of you know why we're meeting out here? He turned to me knowing that I knew the answer. Were out here to start our first day of training. Why do we even have to do this? Im sure I can easily kill someone and not get caught. Its not as easy as you think it is, trust me. The proxies had come up behind us along with Jeff next to them. I will assign you guys your proxy and you will have a series of challenges you have to complete by the end of the day. We all listened in very closely to what he was saying. Wattson will be with Masky, Jamal will be with Toby and Zack will be with Hoodie. Any questions? I wasnt very happy, I didnt wanna be with Masky. He seemed like he was always on drugs or something. Alright, here is a list of things you need to accomplish by the end of the day and dont forget you guys have to work together, Jeff will be watching you guys from afar so dont even try to cheat.

We all started to walk out of the forest and down our separate ways. Whats first on the list? I had asked Masky since he was the one holding it. Well as Im looking at all this I say we start with insulting somebody without them noticing. Sounded easy to me but boy was I wrong. We had gone through three random people before finally being able to call somebody a f*cker without them noticing. I wonder how my younger brothers are doing

(Zacks POV)

Me and Hoodie ran as fast as we could. The cops were on our trail while we held bags of money and ran as fast as we could. We were racing through buildings to lose the cops and thankfully we did. Dang that was a close one I said in between breaths. Let's go, we still have a whole list to get through before the day ends. I just wanted to rest.

(Jamals POV)

Fire was spreading fast around us, there was no way left to go. G-g-grab on! Toby yelled at me. I held on tight to his hand as he used a rope he had and one of his hatchets to swing up to one of the trees and we hopped from branch to branch like spiderman.

(Wattsons POV)

Bet they having more fun than me. I thought as we walked through the store apparently picking up stuff Slender needs. I saw a huge bottle of wine that seemed to be selling for a few hundred dollars. Masky seemed to have seen me eyeing it for a while and bent down to my ear. Steal it, you're a criminal now. He whispered in my ear. I looked both ways and when I saw no one coming I quickly ran over and stuffed it in my jacket. As we were going through the checkout Masky told me to stand near the exit while he paid for everything. I stood there for a while until I saw Masky but out of the corner of my eye I saw a security guard walking towards me. Hey you! Stop right there! He yelled at me. I looked at him and then at Masky who nodded as a clear sign of telling me to run. Sorry, gotta go! I yelled to the security guard and I bolted out of there. Stop! I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I heard sirens in the distance and I thought they were heading for me but I then heard panting noises next to me. I saw from the corner of my eye, Jamal and Toby were running next to me and Masky was on the other side of me.

We saw Zack and Hoodie up ahead of us. There were even more sirens behind us and I could hear them getting closer. I turned my head a bit to the right and saw an old abandoned building. I dont know about you guys but Im going right! I yelled in between breaths. I slowed down a bit and turned right heading straight for the building. I could hear some footsteps behind me and it was everyone else behind me. We all ran into the building and waited it out for all the police to pass by. As we heard the sirens going by one of the cars stopped. The policemen in the car got out and took out their guns, one of them I noticed. He was an old family friend that I got to know pretty well. Isnt that- Carson? Jamal had cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

Well it does say on the list that one of the jobs is to kill a close friend, all three of you could take that one together. Hoodie spoke up. All three of us started at each other to agree to killing him but somebody would have to kill the other cop to get him outta the way. Alright, Ill kill the first cop. Zack and Jamal, you guys kill Carson. They nodded. But with what weapons? Zack questioned. Here you guys can use ours. Masky pulled out his crowbar and gave it to me. Zack got two hatchets and Jamal got a silenced gun. Jamal doesnt know how to use a gun, I never had a crowbar in my hand before and Zack has never used an axe or hatchet.

Alright guys, it's now or never! The three of us ran out of our hiding spot and charged for the two officers.

Proxy Apprentices (Creepypasta OC Story) (Re-Writing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora