The mansion and others (Chapter Four)

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I'm so sorry that this took so long to make! It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to put next, I sometimes get really picky for no reason lol also for some reason my quotation marks won't save. I mean it did on the last chapter... I have no idea what's going on with Wattpad but I'll try and figure it out. Just try your best!

(Me and my younger brothers started to giggle a little at Toby. W-WHAT'S SO F-FUNNY!? He yelled at us. We burst out laughing, the other proxies also started to laugh a little.

You look so stupid! I said in between laughs.)

We all laughed for a few moments, then Trenderman took me and the littles to the back for what he calls a makeover. He first sat down Charlie in a chair right in front of a mirror. He had scissors, hair dye, extra clothes, some combs and brushes, a lot of accessories, and some soap to wash hair. He put on a pair of doctors gloves on his hands and started to cut and redo Charlie's hair. After he was done he sent him into a changing room with a brand new pair of clothes. William went next. He cut his hair and dyed it like he did with Charlies but it looked a little different. He had also sent William into a changing room with a brand new pair of clothes but he of course was sent into a different one.

It was my turn next, I sat down in the chair. Your makeover is gonna have to be a bit different since you're a girl, Im gonna have to change you into a boy so everyone you know doesn't notice you. I was shocked. You cant change a girl into a boy! That's not possible! I meant just to make you look like a boy He picked me up with one of his tentacles and put me down next to another chair that had a sink behind it. Sit down, I need to wash your hair before I can do anything with it.

I sat in the chair and he started to wash my hair. After that he then cut it into a boys style. Favorite color? I got a little confused so I answered Black and Green? He took the pitch black dye and started to color my hair black, he then took some green hair dye and colored part of my hair neon green. He gave me some clothes and sent me into a changing room.

New Appearances:

Charlie: Short black hair with a part of his hair dyed neon orange and pale skin. (Outfit pictures above)

William: Short black hair with a part of his hair dyed neon blue and pale skin.

Ava: Short black hair with a part of her hair dyed neon green and pale skin.

(Avas POV)

I came out of the closet with my brand new outfit and brand new look. I looked at my younger brothers and they didnt even seem like themselves anymore! I looked at myself in the mirror and dang, what I saw wasnt even me anymore! With new looks comes new names! Trenderman said excitedly. Do we get to pick our own names? Of course! I had so many names in mind but I decided to choose my favorite that could be both a girl and boy name! May I be called Wattson then? He seemed surprised when I asked so quickly. He nodded his head and then my little brothers spoke up. I wanna be called Jack! William piped up. I wanna be called Jamal! Charlie said right after. Trenderman of course nodded his head to their decisions as well. He then took us back out where everyone else was, well my brothers I had to eat something. He took me to the kitchen. The pale boy from before was standing in the kitchen with a strange looking dog. The dog looked like a normal Husky except he had a whole bunch of red stains on him, really sharp teeth, and he smiled a lot.

Hey I need you guys to watch Smile for me, thanks. And he left. I looked at the dog, the dog looked at me then wagged its tail and smiled at me. Trenderman left me with a bowl of tomato soup, burnt bread, and the dog. Have fun! I have to leave now, bye bye! The dog creeped me out a little since he was able to smile but I got used to him after a few minutes. I tried both the soup and the bread, the soup for some reason had raw pieces of meat in it and the bread was kind of soggy even though it was burnt at the same time. My goodness, can anyone here cook!? The dog looked at me confused and that's when I had an idea. You want some Doggy? The dog wagged its tail in excitement. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and when no one was I put the bowl down on the floor. The dog seemed to enjoy it and so I let him eat it. Once he was finished I picked up the bowl and put it in the sink like I had just finished eating. I was hungry and all but I wasnt that hungry. D-Did you seriously j-just give that to t-th-the dog? I turned around and saw Toby looking at the dog and then back at me. W-What??? I have no idea what you're talking about I said awkwardly. Dont w-worry, I hate M-Maskys food t-too. He seemed amused. Your younger b-b-brothers hated it as w-well. He chuckled a little and took me back where the others were. Smile also followed behind us.

We made it back into the small dining room where everyone else was, I sat down in between my younger brothers again while I waited for something to happen. Again I waited but not for my prince charming or for my knight in shining armor, I waited to get started as an apprentice! I was genuinely excited and ready to do this, then Slenderman walked in. It seems everyone is ready. Let's head to the mansion and well rest up. Training starts tomorrow. There's a mansion? Wow this guy must be filthy rich then! As we were leaving the cabin I saw Toby bring out a can of gasoline and set the whole cabin on fire! It startled me at first but I then saw the beauty of fire with its red and orange flames and how bright and warm it is. It was official, I was a fan of fire. We walked for hours through the night, it seemed to be about 10:30 at night now but we had made it to a huge mansion. It looked worn down but at the same time brand new!

What I saw was unbelievable! There were so many people! I could tell they were all killers because they all had bloodied weapons with them. There were a few people that stood out like mountains in between hills. One of them looked like Link from the legend of zelda but had black eyes with red pupils and blood dripping from them. Another had a bright blue mask but he didnt seem to have any eyes at all, there was this weird black stuff dripping from them too. Another one was Jeff, of course he stood out. I let his weird dog run back to him. There were more people that stood out but Im gonna let you guys figure out who they are as the story goes on. (Breaking the fourth wall much?) The first person to notice me and my brothers was a young girl with dark brown hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin, a long pink dress, and blood dripping from her head. Hi! Im Sally! You guys must be the new apprentices! She seemed so excited to meet us. When she said that everyone turned our way. In seconds we were crowded with a whole bunch of other people.

Now now children, you're crowding them too much. Everyone started to move back, except one person. He was the little link imposter, he looked up at me and then grinned a little and left. I whispered to Masky Who was that? He looked down at me. That was BEN but I wouldnt worry about him.

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Proxy Apprentices (Creepypasta OC Story) (Re-Writing)Where stories live. Discover now