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We are in a dreary place, a hopeless place.

Run-down ruined buildings covered in graffiti, lit by dim sickly orange incandescent lamps.

Scattered ripped tents sit next to piles of garbage.

Tumbleweeds with trash caught in their branches roll aimlessly by.

Despite this grime, large white MATILIJA POPPIES bloom, bringing light to the darkest nooks and crannies.

THREE RAGGED young boys RACE each other through the dirt road.

We follow them to a CHAIN LINK FENCE. The boys swiftly, eagerly climb over, jumping into a HIGH SCHOOL COURTYARD.




The small GYMNASIUM is PACKED with beings. The boys run in and are lost in the cheering, rowdy crowd.

Below them, two MARTIAL ARTS TEAMS dressed in loose-fitting JEDI ROBES face each other. Everyone is battered, sweaty, determined. BANNERS of past champions SWAY above them.

A two-headed TROIGS announcer - ZAKANWEZY belts out commentary from the center of the JUDGE'S ROW.

The GREEN head speaking in Basic, the PURPLE head speaking in the native tongue.


This is it folks! The winner of this round will be our next Canyon Force Champion! Who will it be? Altamisa from Bloodroot?

(crown cheers)

or Eriandor from Redhorn?

The two FIGHTERS walk towards the center circle, where a REFEREE waits with a SILVER MIRROR.

ALTAMISA (Male, THOLOTHIAN, 15, black skin with white tentacles for hair) glares at ERIANDOR (Male, 14, MIRIALAN, green skin, black lips and hair, face tattoos).

The two bow to each other, get into their fighting stances.

Each teen glances at their MASTERS watching them dutifully from afar. The Referee turns the Mirror.



The two teens exchange FEROCIOUS BLOWS. The crowd goes WILD!

Altamisa lands a BLOW, forcing Eriandor back, he remains in the circle.

Eriandor fights back, landing a BLOW at Altamisa, but injuring his arm. He yelps in pain. Altamisa, stunned, still remains in the circle.

Eriandor can barely stand. He looks like he might quit. He glances at his MASTER watching from the sidelines, who mouths the words "Use the Force."

Eriandor nods. He breathes deeply, closing his eyes in deep concentration. He slowly returns to his fighting stance.



Altamisa and Eriandor do not hold back. They are flowing, ferocious, moving so fluidly it might as well be a dance.

At last, Eriandor sees an opening. With a mighty KICK, he throws Altamisa out of the circle, DEFEATING HIM.

The crowd erupts in CHEERS! The Redhorn team RUSH the mat, lifting Eriandor in the air.


Wowee! What a move! Is he a Jedi?! That was spectacular! That's it folks! Eriandor of Redhorn is our new Champion!

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