Chapter 4

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Here you go. Double update✌. I have a fever. I don't know when I will be able to update again. So an early update😁. Pray for me. And enjoy the chapter.

'What?', I asked in confusion. What was Nick talking about?

He lowered his gaze and just said, 'I'm sorry....' and turned around.

He grabbed my hand and started to walk away. I didn't get the chance to say anything as we were approaching our parents. They looked at us and said,

'Here you are kids, we have been waiting for you, what took you so long?'

'Some guy-', Nick started.

'I was using the restroom, mom.', I decided to cut him off.

'Oh ok', she said not suspecting anything.

I looked over at Nick and whispered, 'They don't need to know about that'

'But sis-' he tried to argue but I shut him off with a glare.

'You have to understand, Nick. We can't tell them, it'll cause unnecessary chaos!' I said.

'Oh-ok' he said surrendering.

'Now, what was that thing you dragged me here for?' I asked.

Nick didn't answer, he just looked away refusing to look at me in the eye. Just then I heard a familiar voice on a microphone.

'I hope you all are enjoying the party!', I looked up at the stage to see Mr. Wilton.

'Today I would love to share two good news with you all!', Mr.Wilton continued.

'Huh? Two good news? ' I said to myself.

I looked over at Nick and he again looked away. What is he hiding? I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Kylie. She flashed me a smile and said, 'I'm back!'

'What's happening?' she asked looking up at Mr.Wilton.

I turned my attention back to the stage and said bluntly, 'I don't know. Nick dragged me here.'

'First, you all know my son Ethan Wilton. He has been working with me for a few years. And my company is doing better than ever. He's still young but proved himself worthy of what I'm going to say. It's been 30 years of our marriage so I thought it was time to retire and spend sometime with my wife. And that's why I decided to hand over my responsibilities to my son. So I officially announce my son Ethan Wilton as the new CEO of Wilton enterprise!!',

The crowd was shocked but soon cheered into loud applause. Everyone was singing Ethan's praise and clapping as Ethan appeared into the spotlight. His father hugged him and gestured him to the microphone. He nodded and took the microphone with the spotlight shining on him, he looked down on the crowd cheering for him and cleared his throat and everyone went silent eagerly waiting for his words.

'I'm very honoured that I'm given this opportunity. I promise to never let you down.' he said and bowed.

The speech was shorter than the crowd expected but they still applauded and cheered. I looked at him with admiring eyes.

'Guess he's quite competent after all.' I whispered to myself but Kylie heard it.

'Ooooh, someone's got a crush!' Kylie said teasingly and giggled.

'Shut up, Kylie!' I said looking away to hide my blush.

Mr.Wilton awkwardly took the microphone from Ethan's hand and proceeded to continue his speech.

'And as I said, I have two good news today!', he said excitedly.

'Two good news?' Kylie asked confused.

'Oh yeah, I almost forgot about it.' I said

Mr.Wilton continued, 'So, today I want to officially announce my son's engagement...' he started.

Everyone gasped in the crowd.

'He's getting engaged?!' I asked surprised. 

' my best friends's only daughter Eveline Jones!!' he finished.

My face went pale with my eyes widening. The shock and disbelief could be clearly seen on my face as it was painted with terror. I stood there frozen for a minute as the crowd applauded and cheered. I looked over at Nick and he said with almost teary eyes, 

'I'm really sorry, I couldn't stop them.'

'So this is what you were talking about?' I asked and he nodded looking at the ground. 

I looked up at the stage to see my parents smiling in the corner like it was nothing. Ethan looked just as shocked as me. He turned to me and was giving me death glares with anger and frustration washing over his face. I couldn't even breathe from all the commotion and felt a sharp pain in my chest as I lost my balance. I was about to fall to the ground but Nick caught me in time. 

'Eveline!' Kylie screamed worried but the cheers were too loud for anyone to notice me.

'Sis, are you okay? What happened? I'm so sorry!' Nick said concerned.

Kylie glanced at Mrs. Wilton and said, 'Why does Ethan's mom look upset?' 

I looked at her to see her frowning in the corner but I was too shocked to register anything. Without thinking twice, I ran outside with Nick and Kylie following me. I stopped near the fence of the garden to catch my breath and Nick and Kylie caught up to me.

'Nick, you knew about this?' I asked still panting.

Nick again looked at the ground and hesitantly said, 'Yes...'

My eyes getting watery I screamed at him, 'Why didn't you tell me?!!'

It seemed to shake him and he finally looked me in the eye and I could see the guilt in him as he said, 'I couldn't! Believe me, I tried to stop them but they didn't listen.'

I covered my face with both of my hands and cried, 'This can't be happening to me. I don't want to marry anyone now. I still have so much to do and my goals to achieve.'

Nick pulled me into a hug and so did Kylie to calm me down. I eventually got myself together and wiped my teary eyes.

Nick looked at me and said, 'I should've tried harder. I'm sorry.'

'This isn't your fault but we have to fix it somehow. I can't get engaged!' I said to him.

'Don't worry, I'm gonna break off this marriage no matter what!' Nick said.

'Yes, we'll surely figure out a way together!' Kylie said with an encouraging look.

I looked at both of them, Can we do this?

Why is my life so cruel?!!

Hope you liked it. Please let me know how was it.

Edited by: SweetMissCherry


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