Chapter 10

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'Calm down Eve. Everything will be fine', Kylie said. How can I calm down?!!

'Don't ruin your makeup. And stop biting your lips', She said.

Well today is the day. MY WEDDING DAY. I'm getting married in just few more hours.

'Eveline stop it!!',

I stopped biting my lips. And Kylie re-applied the lipstick.

'Calm down Eve. Everything is going to be fine', She said.

'I hope so', I said. Then I remembered something.

'Is Serena here?', I asked.

'Yeah I'm here', I looked behind Kylie to see Serena.

'Oh ok. And what about Adeline?', I asked.

'Adeline is here. Don't worry', Serena said. Adeline is Serena's elder sister. She is married and has a little girl named Ava.

'Oh good', I sighed.

'Now stand up!', I did.

'Hmm.......', Kylie patted her own back.

'What a dramatic girl', Serena mumbled but Kylie heard her.


'At least I don't want my sister to not marry a guy she likes', Kylie said.

'Eve likes Ethan? Are you kidding me?', Serena said.

'Why will I huh?', Kylie said.

Why are you not saying anything?

She is not wrong. I kind of like Ethan.


Shut up.

'Oh please! He will never notice her! She is not his type', Serena said.

Not gonna lie, that did hurt.

'Oh really? Then who is his type then?', Kylie asked.

'A perfect girl. Beautiful, well mannered. Like me', Serena said.

'Serena what are you saying? I'm not beautiful? Not well mannered huh?', I asked this time.

'Wait wait. I get it now! You like Ethan. That's why you are not letting Eveline marry him', Kylie said pointing towards Serena.

Wait what?

'Later realisation. I do like him. And Eveline if you love me, back out', Serena said.

Do I have to fight with my sister now?

'No I won't', I said.

'Eveline Jones! The consequences won't be good. I'll ruin your marriage', She said.

'Go ahead and try', Kylie said.

'You ok?', Kylie asked.

How can I be?!

'I'm fine', I lied.

'Eveline dear, it's time', Mom came in.

'Wow you are looking so pretty', I nodded.

'I still can't believe that you are getting married. I still remember the day when you were born. You were so small. The first time you called me mom, I was so happy', She said wiping away her tears.

'Mrs. Jones don't be so emotional. Your daughter is getting married today, be happy', Kylie said.

'Princess, you're looking so beautiful', Dad said.


'Let's go now', I nodded.

The door opened and my nervousness level went even more high.

'Calm down. Take a deep breath', Dad said. I did as he said.

The music started to play as I walk down the aisle.

But I didn't dare to look forward.

Cause I know, I'll get lost in his eyes if I do.


At least stop on my wedding day!


We stopped. And I looked at him.


He is looking so- stop it Eve!

Dad gave my hand to him.

'Take care of her', Ethan nodded. And Dad left.

And the wedding begans!

Hope you liked it. Cya in next chapter :)

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