Chapter 6

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'I'm back, sorry it took a little long time', Serena said.

It didn’t took a little long time! It took a hella long time!! I mean I am waiting for 40 minutes!

I wish I could say this!

'Not a problem', I said. She smiled at me.

'So about your marriage, tell me more!', She is so excited.

'Ok so....', I started telling her my story. How I met him, announcement, him being an Asshole and lastly being a player.

'Uh uh....... He is a player. That's sad', She said.

'And mostly the Marriage is in two weeks, I don’t understand what so hurry', I said.

'Your soon-to-be laws can't wait', She started to laugh.

'Ok so the Engagement is next week, you are coming right?',

'Of course! How can I miss it? Anyway, who is this guy?',.

'Ethan Wilton......', She froze. Her eyes widened. Uh.....what happened?

'What happened, Serena?',

'Ethan Wilton? The CEO of Wilton Enterprise?', I nodded.

'Eveline, do me a favour', She said. I motioned her to continue.

'Back out from the marriage, please', She said.

What? No. I can't do this!

'What? Why?', I asked.

'Just do as I say, back out', She said.

'I can't do this, Serena', I said.

'Why not? You don’t love him then what's the problem?!', She asked.

I can't tell her.

'I'm sorry, Serena. I can't back out', I said.

'So that's it? You won’t back out? Fine then! I'll also forget that you are my friend. I'm giving you time until the Engagement, back out or don’t ever talk with me again', She said and left, not before giving me a look of pure hatred.

What happened to her?

I called Nick to pick me up from the cafe.

'What happened, Ev?', Kylie asked.

'I don’t know, Serena just.....', I started.

'What? What did she do?', She asked. I told her what happened in the Cafe. Her eyes widened.

'But why does she wants you to back out?', She asked. I shook my head.

'I don't see any problem. And Sister is backing away anyway. I won't let her marry that guy', Nick said.

I've to tell them now.

'I want to tell you guys something', I took a deep breathe.

'I will be marrying Ethan', I said.





'WHAT?!!! NO WAY!!', They both shouted in unison

Wtf? Why are they yelling like this? It's not like you told them that you are going to be the mother of that player's child.


Shut up, stupid consy.

'You are not marrying him', Nick said.

'I'm going to marry him. I won't listen anyone’s complain', I said.

'But sister, why?', Nick asked. I told them why I want to marry him.

'No way, Dad planned all this', He said.

'He knew I worked hard for it', I sighed.

'My dream will be shattered', I said.

'But if you marry him......your life will be shattered', Nick said.

'I can manage', I said.

'And you guys will be there to help me as well', I added. They both nodded.

I hope everything will be fine.

'OMG!!', I looked at Nick in confusion. Am I looking that bad?

'Nickie? Am I looking bad?', I asked.

'Bad? Eveline Jones you're looking beautiful', Kylie said.

'I'm sure every guy present there will fall in their knees for you', She said making me blush.

'Shut up!', I said.

'Eve, you ready?', Mom asked but gasped when she saw me.

'Yes I am ready', I said.

'You're looking so beautiful', She said.

'I know that. Nick and Kylie already told me', I said coldly.

'Oh....ok let's go now', She said. I hate to hurt you mom. But you and Dad shattered me. I'm sorry.

'That was rude', Kylie said once Mom was gone.

'I know. I'm just angry at them for forcing me into this', I said.

'Me let's go or we'll be late', Nick said. I nodded.

'Nick! Drive fast!', I yelled.

'Calm down sis', He said.

'Ugh! I don't want to be late', I said.

'You look really desperate......What's up?', Kylie asked.

'It's my engagement! Ofc I would be excited', I said.

'Suspicious...', Nick whispered.

You're acting like a lovesick puppy. Did you already fall in love with the great Wilton??

Shut up! Stupid consy.

I just want this day to be over. Then I can finally get some sleep.

'We are here', Nick announced.

'Finally', I sighed.

'Eveline dear! You're looking so beautiful', Mr.Wilton said.

'Thanks', I said.

'Hi Eveline', A girl around my age said.

'Uh hi', I greeted.

'Oh sorry! I didn't introduce myself. I'm Emma Wilton. Ethan's little sister', She said. Wow she is pretty.

'Oh, nice to meet you', I smiled.

'Nice to meet you too. I'm happy that he is finally getting settled. Now I can get married as well', She said making us laugh.

'Emma', Mr.Wilton warned. But she giggled. She is also funny.

'There is still some time left before the party starts. Let's chat', She said excitedly.

'Emma don't talk too much', Mr.Wilton said. She replied with an "ok!!"

'Emma, meet my bestie Kylie', I said.

'Hello Emma', Kylie greeted.


'And he is Nicholas, my little brother', I said pointing towards Nick.

'Hi Nicholas', She greeted.

'Hi Emma and call me Nick', He smiled at her.
Here you goooooo!! Sorry I am toooo lazy to write details😩😩. Hope you liked it. Let me know how was it. Cya in next chapter. (Hopefully I'll update sooner😅😅)

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