Chapter 8: Malevolent Gods

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The woods around were peaceful. Sunshine sparkled through the rustling leaves, creating magical sceneries. Birds chirped in the distance, making me feel safe and cosy. We were on the other side of Mount Aero, two days away from Bastia. The carriage stopped on a clearing right next to the muddy road.

I lifted my head off the satin pillow I brought from home, "Why are we stopping?"

Danilo opened the door, "I am going to teach you the basics of sword fighting."

"Ugh," I grunted, "I have so many better things to do."

Danilo chuckled, "Stare out of the window?"

I raised my eyebrow, "Stare at you."

This time, he didn't blush and flush and retreat. He shook off my remarks with a smile and opened the door for me, "You can do that while I'm teaching you how to fight, your Grace."

A gush of cold air welcomed me outside. Even sunshine burned cold. My silk dress did little to protect me. But I wasn't about to wear something as awful as pants.

Danilo's men lined up next to the other carriage, all five of them indistinguishable from one another, drinking something from leather satchels. I longed for a drink, but Danilo claimed it was too strong for me.

"Alright, we don't have much time, but we are all in need of a break." Danilo said. "So, grab your sword."

I rolled my eyes and picked up the sword gingerly, "Isn't there anything else I could use?"

"Well, do you have any other skills?"

"I can sing." I grinned.

Danilo sighed, "And how is that going to help in a fight?"

And just because I was feeling joyous, I tapped on the ground in a rhythm. Danilo held the hilt of his sword and moved it through the air like it was an extension of his arm.

My sword was light enough to lift. Even lighter to drag across the ground while I tapped faster. The men leaned against the carriage clapped rhythmically.

"Irina." Danilo grunted. Apparently, we were done with titles.

I winked and began to sing a quick, rhythmical tune, "I know a boy, blacksmith's son-"

Danilo shook his head, "First and foremost, you have to assess the territory you're in. Watch out for the direction of sun or light. If you position yourself correctly, it could blind your enemy-"

I interrupted him with my singing, "How he handles his toy, seems slightly fun."

Danilo's eyes widened and the sword in his hand dropped. The men behind me let out a couple of whistles, still clapping in the rhythm.

And because the song made him nervous, I grabbed the hem of my silk dress and moved my hips, the sword dangling against my legs.

"Irina," Danilo said over my dancing, "You need to learn."

I batted my eyelashes and sang further, "The spark in his eye, the smile on his lip-"


"Should I? Shouldn't I?" A laugh fell off my lips. "Perhaps just the tip."

The men laughed and whistled. Danilo looked at me, utterly flabbergasted, and threw the sword on the ground. He began to walk away.

"Oh, come on!" I stopped dancing. "I didn't even get to the chorus!"

Danilo stopped in his tracks and turned to me, "You are not taking this seriously."

"I'm having fun." My hands dropped by my sides. "Goddess knows you need some."

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