Chapter 33: Old Gods

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The waterfall gurgled in my ear, the water splashing all around, hitting the surface with enough intensity to numb all other sounds. Sunshine broke through the veil of water, illuminating the small, moss-covered cave behind. The secluded space felt way too intimate, making me wonder whether a part of me just wanted to be alone with Rixen.

The shadowman passed the veil of water and appeared in front of me. I found an underwater rock I could stand on. We were so close I could feel the water moving in response to his body's movements. Droplets fell from his chin, shimmering on his skin. His wide eyes searched my face for answers, still full of undiluted desire.

"So, Princess," Rixen's chuckle sounded strained, "What are we doing here?"

"Hiding." I whispered. "Did you read the scroll?"

"I don't get it." Rixen shook his head. "It's just cultists news."

I nodded, "But it's the unedited version."

A small crease formed between his brows, "What do you mean?"

I could barely focus with him so close to me, "Back in Balr, Ace took me to the post office where he edited the news he sent out to the world. One of those was the scroll you read."

"Wait, he's changing information?" Rixen stepped away, losing balance and splashing against the surface.

Another nod, "The scroll you read said 'King Bernard of Bastia claims the threat from the cultists is too great to ignore. With the northernmost towns most exposed, there are claims that people will be relocated to the south of Bastia,' right?"

"Uh, yes." Rixen squinted, as if trying to remember the exact words.

"Well, Ace showed me the edited version." I said. "Because of all my secrets the mage knows, he does not know I can memorize text I've only seen once."

A smile tugged at the corners of Rixen's lips, "Sometimes I think you could be really powerful."

"Thank you." I arched my eyebrow. "He only changed two things. Do you want to hear the edited version?"

Rixen said nothing.

"With the northernmost towns most exposed, there are concerns that people will be relocated to the south."

Rixen kept quiet for a long moment, his expression changing from confusion to understanding, "He changed 'claims' to 'concerns,' and 'south of Bastia' to simply 'south.'"


Rixen bit the inside of his cheek, his gaze flying across the water surface, "He wants your brother to think King Bernard might invade Irenwell."

"It's not much." I shrugged. "But it's a nudge. And with things like that, it's enough for one person to talk. And mind you, this is the only scroll I managed to steal. There are other things he changed."

Rixen leaned against the moss-covered rock next to me, his shoulder bumping against mine. His words travelled through my mind. Do you think Ace wants to start a war between Irenwell and Bastia?

I moved away, touching Rixen's naked skin distracted me too much, "I hope the water won't whisper this back to him or something."

Rixen smirked, "He's a mage, not a god."

I shifted on the rock uncomfortably, ignoring the rush the water's movements caused. It would feel so good to kiss him, to touch him here, in the water, while the waterfall curtain hid us from view.

I pushed the thoughts away.

"It got me thinking." I spoke again. "The Gyorg seer from Balr told us Ace sent the message to aether, beware of the pixies."

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